Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Sleeping Guide

When you look in the mirror and you think you might need an “eye job”, maybe all you need is more sleep. Sleep is a necessary component of your body’s rejuvenation and its healing. Don’t skimp. Think of sleep as the period when your mind is on its own, poking into thoughts you weren’t ready to think when you were awake. Dreams are how your mind tells you what you’ve learned that day. Use those 8 hours a night to expand your self-awareness.

And sleep on your back. Your mind will expand regardless of how you’re positioned;
when you’re on your back, you’re showing the universe that you’re facing her head-on.
And the universe rewards you by keeping you neck as smooth as a Trumpet swan’s.

If you have problems relaxing so you can sleep and dream, try this:
Use lavender oil in your bath water, or drizzle lavender oil on a hanky and place it in
side your pillow. Lavender promotes sleep-inducing alpha waves.

If you have sleep apnea, see your doctor. Apnea is when you periodically wake up, throughout the night to gasp and catch your breath. This is a serious condition and you should see your doctor. If, however, your sleep is interrupted because of congestion from a cold or allergies, try this:
Drizzle a few drops of eucalyptus to a hanky and place it inside your pillow. Eucalyptus is a natural way to clear nasal passages.

Diabetes Health Tips

Blood Glucose Testing
Most insurances now pay for diabetics to have blood glucose monitoring equipment in the home. Keeping the machines clean and in good working order are vital for accurate results. Follow the manufacturers' instructions for proper cleaning and maintenance

Be sure hands are clean before performing the test, but don't use alcohol to cleanse your fingertip. It's drying and may cause fingertips to crack. Wash hands with a mild antibacterial soap like Dial.

Diabetes Test After Heart Attack Shows Future Risk
Testing patients who have had heart attacks for signs of diabetes before they leave the hospital may identify those with the highest risk of future heart attacks. Many people hospitalized for a heart attack have undiagnosed diabetes or prediabetes, a term coined to describe the millions of overweight and obese people who have blood sugar levels suggesting an elevated risk of full-blown diabetes. Medications, exercise and diet changes, all of which can restore normal glucose levels, may reduce the risk of heart attacks in patients who have already had a heart attack.

Diabetic Dental Care
Immaculate mouth care is a must. Diabetics are much more prone to gum disease. More frequent dental visits may be needed and careful brushing and flossing are a necessity. Avoid ill-fitting dentures that may cause mouth sores

Diabetic Eye Care
If you're a diabetic, regular visits to your eye care professional are a must to prevent problems that could lead to blindness.

Diabetic Foot Care Tips
* Take the pressure off your feet by losing weight if you are obese.
* Inspect your feet at least once per day. If you can't see well, ask someone to do it for you.
* Wash feet with mild soap and lukewarm water daily.
* Wear white cotton socks rather than synthetic ones with dyes.
* Don't go barefoot or wear ill-fitting shoes.
* See a podiatrist regularly for toenail trims and other routine maintenance

Diabetics Are Prone to Foot Problems
Diabetics have decreased sensation and circulation in their feet making them prone to foot infections/wounds that could eventually lead to amputation.

Drug Could Delay Diabetes
Acarbose, a drug that blocks the digestion of starch, could prevent or delay the development of the most common form of diabetes in those with slightly high blood sugar.

Exercises to Avoid
Diabetics should avoid exercises that involve pushing or pulling heavy objects and lifting weights. Blood sugar levels and blood pressure are raised during this kind of exercise.

FDA Approves New Sweetener Neotame
A non-nutritive sweetener said to be 7,000 to 13,000 times sweeter than sugar received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to be marketed as an additive in candies, soft drinks and various other products.
Like other familiar sweeteners, Neotame is a white crystalline powder that dissolves in water. It is made by Monsanto, which also makes NutraSweet's sweetener Equal. Neotame is approved for use in baked goods, nonalcoholic beverages, chewing gum, confections, frozen desserts, gelatins and puddings, jams, jellies, fruit, juices, toppings and syrups.
The FDA declared the product to be safe for consumption after reviewing more than 113 animal and human studies, some of which looked at any possible links with cancer-causing or neurological side effects.

Inhaled Insulin
Inhaled insulin may soon offer an alternative to needles for people with diabetes.
Novo Nordisk, a Denmark-based company, has ongoing clinical trials to test the safety and effectiveness of an electronic pulmonary insulin system. They say it may be available in the United States and Europe within a few years.
This is the first electronic pulmonary insulin system currently being tested in clinical trials. It works by converting a special liquid insulin into aerosol particles, which are inhaled into the lungs

Regular Exercise Is a Must
Exercise is extremely important for diabetics as it strengthens the cardiovascular system, increases circulation to the arms and legs and helps control blood sugar levels. Walking, jogging, rowing and swimming are best

* Shoes for Diabetics

Avoid plastic shoes and waterproof shoes. They encourage perspiration and fungal growth.
* Avoid tight or unventilated footwear.
* Don't wear boots all day.
* Choose cotton or leather shoes.
* Wear sandals as much as possible in the summer.
* Don't wear the same shoes two days in a row.
* Air shoes in the sun to inhibit fungal growth

Small, Frequent Meals
Diabetics should follow their American Diabetic Association diet and eat small meals more frequently such as three small meals with one or two healthful snacks between meals. This helps maintain a more stable blood sugar level

Treatment of Hyperglycemia
Some symptoms of hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) are: excessive urination, weight loss, excessive hunger and thirst. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you should see your doctor.

Treatment of Hypoglycemia
Some symptoms of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) are: cool, clammy skin, numbness of the mouth, a fluttering in your chest, hunger and feeling faint. Emergency treatment includes ingesting something containing sugar like orange juice, a candy bar, or sugared soda pop. Follow that with some cheese or peanut butter crackers to sustain your blood sugar level

What's an Exchange?
In an exchange diet, foods that are similar are grouped together. Serving sizes are well defined so that each will have the same amount of carbohydrate, fat, and protein as any other. Foods can be "exchanged" or traded with others in a category while still meeting the desired overall goals. Exchanges can be applied to most any eating situation and may make it easier to follow a prescribed diet. For example, if a nutrition plan calls for one starch exchange a person could choose 1/2 cup of cooked pasta, OR one slice of bread, OR a small (3 oz.) baked potato.

How to Control Blood Sugar Levels Without Medicine

People may tell that it is very difficult to control the Glucose levels without medication. But it is possible with dietary restrictions and lifestyle changes.

The following are the some of the important tips to control the blood sugar levels.


Diet is the first thing comes to mind when we talking about reduce the blood sugar levels. Take less carbohydrate and foods must have low glycemic index with moderate levels of protein and fiber. And take very a small amount of food, avoid bulky eating of meals.

Drinking Water

Drinking water can also helps in reducing the diabetes sugar levels. Diabetics are advised to drink plenty of water daily. And it doesn't mean drinking any other fluids like soft drinks, coffee, and tea. Just take plenty of water everyday.

Eating fruits

Eating fruits should be preferred rather taking other bulky meals, taking fruits which has citric acids helps to reduce the weight so that the blood glucose levels are in control. Rose apple, Apple, Grapefruit, Orange and all citrus fruits are really helpful to reduce the blood sugar levels.


Exercises are really important in order to control the diabetes glucose levels. Playing games like badminton can do the magic of reducing the blood sugar in quite a small period of time. Asanas also helps to reduce the blood sugar, walking and light jogging helps a lot for circulation, this controls the blood sugar and maintain in a steady state.

Herbal tea

Instead of taking ordinary tea or coffee herbal tea helps the diabetics to lower blood sugar levels. A natural herbal tea acts like a blood sugar blocker, it usually known as Green tea. It will manage and keeps the blood sugar and control them in consistent levels when we take food are snacks which has the lot of Glucose in it. Don't take this as advantage and take too much of Glucose contained food. This green tea should be taken many times a day, and 3-4 times are advisable.

Avoid processed foods

Avoiding all kind of processed and tinned foods helps control the blood sugar levels. And avoiding foods which gives lot of weight also helps to control blood sugar levels. And artificial sweeteners which usually used in fruit juices must be avoided. Always take fresh and cooked foods that also with lower glycemic index.

These are all the tips that help to control the blood sugar levels in a normal amount without any medicines.

Monday, August 2, 2010

A double border in misty colours

This informal scheme mixes plants of different heights for a more naturalistic take on the traditional double herbaceous border. With the exception of the single atriplexes, all the plants are grown in groups of three, four or five, mingling soft mauves and blues with plums and dusky purples. Given fair weather, the borders could look good into November and beyond, when frost highlights the stems and seed heads.

1. Any fairly neutral soil is suitable for this plan. Mark out borders at least 2 m deep and 6 m long. Remove any turf.
2. Dig the borders deeply (or clear existing ones of plants), taking care to remove any perennial weeds. Fork in plenty of compost or manure.
3. Ideally, plant the borders in autumn or spring. If you choose spring, be prepared to water as necessary.
4. Stand the plants in their pots on the soil and arrange them according to the plan. Plant the cotinus and the hydrangeas first, then work from the back to the front of the borders, watering each plant as you go.
5. The atriplex is an annual which can be planted out in late spring and in subsequent years allowed to seed throughout the border.

1. Cotinus coggygria 'Royal Purple'
2. Hydrangea villosa
3. Molinia caerulea
var. arundinacea 'Transparent'
4. Aster 'Oktoberlicht' (light blue)
5. Salvia farinacea
6. Perovskia 'Blue Spire'
7. Aster ericoides 'Blue Star'
8. Aster novae-angliae 'Violetta'
9. Aster laevis (violet blue)
10. Atriplex hortensis

20 Surprising Uses for Salt

Mankind has been using salt for many centuries, in the course of which we've amassed many uses (some speculate thousands) for this amazing substance—uses that go far beyond mere seasoning. Here are a few of the more practical ones:

  • Pick up a dropped egg. If an egg breaks on the kitchen floor, sprinkle salt on the mess and leave it there for 20 minutes. You'll be able to wipe it right up.

  • Soothe a bee sting. Wet the sting right away, then cover it with salt.

  • Eliminate a grease fire. Pour salt on top to smother it. (Never use water on a grease fire.)

    • Kill grass growing in cracks in the cement or between patio stones. Sprinkle salt on the grass and pour very hot water over it. Or sprinkle coarse salt on the grass, let stand all day or overnight, then pour hot tap water over it.

    • Clean a glass coffee pot. Fill it with 1/4 cup of table salt and a dozen ice cubes. Swish the mixture around, let it sit for half an hour, fill it with cold water and rinse.

    • Halt the mountain of suds from an overflowing washing machine. Sprinkle salt on the top.

    • Clean artificial flowers. Put them in a bag of salt and shake the bag. Take a look at the color of the salt and you'll see what you've accomplished.

    • Keep windows frost-free. Dip a sponge into salt water and rub it on windows, and they won't frost up even when the mercury dips below 32 degrees; for the same effect on your car's windshield, put salt in a little bag made of cheesecloth, moisten it slightly and rub it on.

    • Clean tarnished copper. Fill a 16-ounce spray bottle with hot white vinegar and three tablespoons of salt. Spray it onto the copper, let it sit briefly, then rub clean. (Don't do this to lacquered copper.)

    • Keep radishes safe in the garden. Salt worms (cutworms) will be repelled if you sprinkle seeds with table salt, then cover with dirt.

    • Clean coffee and tea stains from china cups. Rub them with salt.

    • Keep potatoes and apples from turning brown once they're sliced. Put them in salted cold water.

    • Clean a cutting board. Cover it with bleach and salt, scrub it with a stiff brush, then rinse with very hot water and wipe with a clean cloth. Repeat with each use.

  • Clean up oven spills. If food boils over onto the oven floor, sprinkle salt on top to stop smoke and odor from forming. When the oven is cool, it'll be easy to brush away the spot.

  • Set color. If a dye may run, soak the garment for an hour in 1/2 gallon of water to which you've added 1/2 cup vinegar and 1/2 cup salt. If rinse water shows color, repeat. This is good for a single-colored fabric or madras. If the item is multicolored, dry-clean it. (American-made fabrics are unlikely to run, but fabrics from abroad are sometimes risky.)

  • Kill poison ivy. Add three pounds of salt to a gallon of soapy water. Spray it onto leaves and stems.

  • Make cream whip more easily and egg whites whip faster and higher. Add a pinch of salt.

  • Test for rotten eggs. Put an egg in a cup of water to which you've added two teaspoons of salt. A fresh egg will sink, but one that's iffy will float.

  • Clean the brown spots (from starch) off a nonstick soleplate (the bottom of your iron). Sprinkle salt on a sheet of waxed paper, slide the iron across it, then rub lightly with silver polish.

  • Repel fleas. Wash the doghouse with it.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

How to be a good Wife to your Husband

Qualities in a good Wife

Every married man wishes to have a good wife. Many people advice the new bride to be a good wife to her husband. But what are the makings of a good or perfect wife? Many women do not know. Many of the qualities of a good wife are already inbuilt in a person and the rest can be developed.

In India the qualities of a good wife or eight noble virtues an ideal wife should have are summed up in the verse from Neethisaram.

"Karyeshu Dasi, Karaneshu Manthri; Bhojeshu Mata, Shayaneshu Rambha,

Roopeshu lakshmi, Kshamayeshu Dharitri, Satkarma Nari, Kuladharma Pathni".

Here are some of the Qualities a man looks in his wife.

1) Be pleasant: It is said that ‘we need to treat others the way we want ourselves to be treated.’ Never be rude to our husband, family and friends. Be warm, kind, positive, understanding and friendly. Work to be pleasant toward your husband. Don’t be one of those people who make everyone around you feel bad just because you’ve had a hard day. Welcome your husband with a smile when he comes home instead of a sour face. A good wife honors her hubby by keeping a pleasant tone in her voice, a happy smile on her face and a neat and clean appearance. Listen to him talk about his day especially if it was a difficult one. If you don't like how you partner treats you, take a minute to notice how you treat your partner and correct your behavior.

2) Treat your Husband with Respect: If you expect respect from others we need to treat others with respect too. Haven’t we all heard ‘Give respect and take respect’. Respect can be reflected in the way one talks and behaves. Always speak in a loving and refrain from speaking in a harsh manner. A good wife respects her hubby and she never chooses to belittle, strike, humiliate or otherwise harm him in private nor in public. It is better to watch what you say and to think your thoughts through before speaking as it is not possible to take back the words once they have been spoken. A good wife will treat her man with respect in front of others and at home.

3) Communicate: Communication is key to a good and solid marriage. Do not hide things from your husband or keep secrets after marriage. Be honest to him. Find time to sit and talk with your husband on a daily basis even if it is for only half an hour. If you let things bottle up and feel that you cannot share with your husband anything then your marriage is in trouble. Be a good listener when your husband is talking. You may have a dozen important things to tell him but allow him to talk first. Don't greet him with complaints and problems the moment he comes back from work. Good Communication also helps to build trust and strengthen your relationship. After marriage the wife and husband are a team or partners. Do not take any major decisions about the family without consulting with husband. Fights or problems may happen in between the two but do not let the world know about it rather solve it between yourselves. The fight you had last week over shopping or whatever is over and done with. So move on with it and stop rehashing old stuff and reminding him of his faults. Do not resort to name calling, hitting, spitting, breaking dishes or anything else when you lose your temper. If you do he may actually start to fall out of love with you and you could lose him all together.

4) Be Supportive: A husband expects wife’s support and understanding especially in times of troubles. A good wife loves her hubby through his successes and failures and provides reassurance when he's feeling down. She is a nurturer and an equal partner in the marriage. Support your husband in all stages of his career and life. Do not belittle your man or hurt his ego. It is often heard saying that ‘a wife can make a man or break a man’. There’s no quicker way to build resentment in your man than to criticize him or belittle him especially in front of others. Be proud of him on his accomplishments and genuinely complement him. If you do this you can expect your husband to behave with you in the same manner and also respect you more for your support and thoughtfulness. When you don’t agree with him respectfully let him know you don’t agree.

5) Do not nag: No man would like a nagging wife. If you want to get your own way ask him nicely. Many wives think that is the only way to get her husband to do things is by nagging. But the truth is that your nagging can create unwanted rift or can make things worse between the two of you. Your husband is a grown man with his own thoughts and desires. Just because you think he should be doing something particular doesn't mean he has to do it.

6) Give him his space: As a wife you need to understand you’re your husband has a life other than you also. He has his family, friends and colleagues who too are part of his life. He also may have some hobbies or passions he is involved in. Don’t expect his undivided attention. Don’t stop him if he wants to go out and hang out with his friends sometimes or engage in a hobby or sport that he likes. An interfering wife can sometimes be too irritating.

7) Keep him happy in Bed: Sexual intimacy is one of the most essential things in any marriage. Please your man in bed. If you cannot keep your man happy in Bed he would go where he can get it. After all, a Man is a man!

8) Plan Surprises: Men like surprises too. It can be anything like organizing his birthday party without him knowing about it or planning a special night of passion by playing a seductress. Your surprises do not have to be elaborate and can be as simple as making him his favorite snack or his favorite dishes once in a while even if you would rather eat something else.

9) Express your love and appreciation often: Men likes praises and appreciation. Make the best of your time together. Men like to hear the words ‘I love you’ too. Also join him in activities that he's interested in even though you would have preferred to do something else or give him a thoughtful gift once in a while. Make it a point never to forget the special days in his life. Pamper him very often. Be his ‘little slave’ when he is at home. You can even cook for him or give him a good massage. Making him dependent on you by doing his chores when he is at home is not a bad idea. Let him miss you and think about you when you are not around. These gestures won’t go unnoticed and it may even inspire him to do something nice for you. Don't withhold affection.

10) Honesty, Loyalty and Dedication: A good wife would be honest, loyal and dedicated to her husband. Marriage is a life long commitment and the vows you have taken at the time of marriage should be kept in all conditions.

11) Prepare yourself: A good wife honors her hubby by keeping a pleasant tone in her voice, a happy smile on her face and a neat and clean appearance. Take special care about your appearance and everyday. Include exercises or yoga in your daily routine. Be hygienic. Some woman feel that once they are married why they should dress up or take care of their appearance. A man likes his wife to smell good. If you are unhealthy or not presentable your man may cheat you behind your back.

12) Prepare the House: Maintain a clean house all the time. Clear away the clutter and spend time decorating the house. Apart from this be wise with money and take all the responsibilities of a wife seriously without complaining.

I am sure any man would be happy to get a wife with all these qualities. Have I left anything? Please feel free to add through comments.

5 Tips To Winterize Your Natural Black Hair

Do you live in place where temperature falls significantly during fall? Are you concerned to take care of your black hair in fall?

Cold temperatures usually include low moisture in air and also less humidity, which can lead to breakage of hair.

So, in order to combat with cold winds and protect your natural black hair in winter from breakage (hair breakage), here are few tips.

  1. Always try to keep your home moist and hydrated. You can use humidifiers to keep your home moist or you can create moist and humidity in your home by boiling a large container of water in your home. This way, as long as you stay in your home, you can protect your hair from extreme cold.
  2. Use scarves and hats, instead of woolen or cotton fabrics to your hair. The reason in quite simple, wool and cotton can snag your hair and make your hair to break. However, it is very important for you to choose scarves and hats that have stain lining in it.
  3. Don’t use more amounts of shampoo for hair. This doesn’t mean that you should not wash your hair regularly; rather you should cleanse it with less amounts of mild shampoos.
  4. Prefer hair styles that don’t need hair pins and other contact accessories. It would be better to leave your hair down.
  5. If you usually use liquid conditioner for your hair, during winter try to use creamy hair conditioners. Even, home made hair conditioners work great for your natural black hair.

Tips To HaveShiny Beautiful Hair

We all would simply love to have the gorgeous hair that the model on TV has just shown off, although some of us, like my sister would say, in a fit of jealousy, “Pooh! That is just a wig! Don’t I know it! Just look at her swinging it; natural hair just doesn’t shine this way!”

Little do we realize that she is wrong, and that our own hair can shine as much as the next persons, if we take care of it and maintain it well.

Here are a few tips for you to soon possess that glossy superb mane of hair.

  1. The cleaner your scalp, the healthier your hair. Always make sure that you massage a little oil into your hair just before you have your bath, and then wash it off with a mild shampoo. Remember to condition your hair after (hair conditioner)every wash, as this will leave your hair soft and easy to groom.

  2. Mix one egg with 2 teaspoons of olive oil. Apply this mixture to your scalp, and leave it one for at least twenty minutes. Wash off in tepid water; remember, hot water will scramble the eggs, and nobody wants scrambled eggs on their scalp!

  3. Make a paste of fenugreek seeds soaked overnight, mix with a spoonful of fresh curd, apply on your scalp and leave it for twenty minutes. Wash off thoroughly with mild hair shampoo, and your hair will shine brightly.

  4. Remember, never brush your hair when it is still wet; this will cause split ends and take away the shine.

  5. Do not blow dry your hair too often, because it may rob your hair of essential moisture and leave it dry.

  6. This is a tip handed down from my grandmother: before you go to sleep at night, apply a few drops of any oil of your choice to your scalp, bend down and brush your hair downwards. Tie your hair up loosely when you sleep, and in the morning, wash it off with a mild shampoo. This will definitely give your hair a boost, and make it shine gloriously, if you follow the routine regularly.

  7. Eat plenty of fresh green vegetables, fish if possible, and drink plenty of water through the day. This will keep your hair healthy(healthy hair), and also lend a glow to your skin.

7 Best Ways To Grow Thick And Long Hair

Thick, long, lustrous hair is the desire of every one, both men and women. Growing thick hair is not an easy task as it seems to be.

You are required to work hard and put lots of effort to get enough natural volume to your hair.

Excessive hair colouring, too much exposure to heat and genetics plays a critical role in hair loss as well.

No matter what the reason may be or cause for your hair loss, good hair care routine with proper diets will help you along your way in growing thick hair

Effective techniques to grow thick hair

Even though growing hair is a tough task, it is not impossible, but all that you need is patience, determination, persistence and effective guidelines for taking good care of your hair.

Fortunately there are many ways of growing thick hair. Some of the most effective techniques include

  1. Take your vitamins: Vitamins and minerals play a very crucial and important key role in growing and keeping your hair healthy. Any nutritional deficiencies in your body will certainly contribute to hair loss. Few vitamins that are extremely important for healthy hairgrowth include Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C and Vitamin E.
  2. Get proteins: Since hair is a protein, diet that contains high protein can be helpful for hair growth. Some nutrition experts suggest that consuming wheat germ and brewer’s yeast can be helpful in maximizing the hair growth and strength.
  3. Avoid stress: Excessive stress is one of the main causes for hair loss. So, explore different stress management techniques to relieve stress and get enough rest for your body. Consequently you can maximize healthy hair growth to some extent.
  4. Have regular trims: Trim your hair ends regularly that can help to improve growth of hair. Most of you might be in a consideration that trimming can lead to hair loss, but in actuality it is just the opposite because it’s very helpful for improving hair growth.
  5. Limit hair coloring: Excessive hair coloring or perming causes damage to your hair and handicap the healthy growth of hair. It will result in split ends, hair breakage and extreme dried out hair.
  6. Don’t overuse harsh chemicals: The worse chemicals for hair will be the solution present in perm section and other coloring agents. If you really want to get new color for your hair, you can try natural hair coloring process like henna products.
  7. Provide moisture for your hair: More often shampoos can possibly strip your hair’s natural oils. So try using shampoo for your scalp and use conditioner regularly to provide enough moisture for your hair.

The Secrets of Happy Families

When I asked couples [in the Happy Families Survey] about the factors that mattered most in families, I provided several options but also left room for people to write in answers. The most common write-in vote was communication. Or, in the words of forty-five-year-old Dikendra: "Communication, communication, communication and, of course, communication. Oh, let’s not forget the most important: communication." Think she was trying to tell me something? Of course, many of the adults in the survey were describing general communication within the family. I’m on board with that. But if you can’t learn good communication styles as a couple, you’ll have a hard time imparting them to your offspring.

What Exactly Is Communication?
You may be thinking, If so many people wrote in "communication," why wasn’t it one of the survey choices? It is simply because communication has too many different definitions, and offering the simple word "communication" on a multiple-choice survey might have resulted in misleading conclusions. Many people think "talking to each other" means communication, and it does. But how come when I tell my wife, "Of course I’d love to go T. J. Maxx with you, honey!" she gets upset with me? Because she knows I really don’t want to go to the store, and she can hear it in my tone. So I guess tone is also another way to communicate. Spoken words, verbal tone, and written messages are all ways of communicating. In fact, the form of communication with the greatest impact is in what we say—without a word.

Communicating Without Words

I first saw examples of powerful "nonverbal couple talk" early in my life while watching my hands-down-favorite TV show, Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom. Yeah, now you know I’m ancient, but I like to think that my advanced age gives me perspective. Anyway, back in the 1960s, every week the host introduced me to new animal species whose members very often had fascinating ways of relating to each other. Usually it involved sticking their noses in some body cavity, but depending on the animal, it could include ramming heads, showing off colorful plumage, or picking through the other’s hair for little bugs. There was no doubt in my mind that these animals were connecting with each other through their actions in a far more direct and intimate way than they would even if they did possess the power of speech.

Which brings me to human animals. Humans are rare among animals in that their main mode of connecting is through verbal interactions: e-mails, phone calls, letters, songs, and heart-to-heart conversations that continue well into the night. And they are the only species to commit their speech to the written word. So it’s natural to think that communication = words. But it ain’t necessarily so.

Take it from a guy who makes his living by asking couples to talk about their relationships: just because someone is uncomfortable using words to express feelings and needs, even joy and appreciation, doesn’t mean that the person isn’t communicating.

Although men and women may not show their feelings by ramming heads or showing off colorful plumage, they sure can communicate profound feelings through their actions rather than their words. How? To borrow a line from Elizabeth Barrett Browning, let me count the ways:

1. Holding hands
2. Giving back rubs and neck rubs
3. Looking at each other from across the room
4. Crying in a partner’s arms
5. Letting a partner cry in his or her arms
6. Buying gifts or sending cards
7. Taking the spider out of the living room while the other stands on the sofa with her (or his!) eyes screwed shut
8. Offering a coat or jacket to help warm up a partner
9. Having a cup of hot chocolate ready when a partner comes in from shoveling the walk

These examples of nonverbal language are endearing ones that we all need to use more often and need to be on the lookout for when they’re used by our mates. But nonverbal communication is not always the language of love. Scowling at your mate’s social faux pas, pacing by the door waiting for your partner to pick out just the right outfit for a simple dinner out, and looking the other way when he or she tries to get your attention are also all forms of communication.

I’m sure you already know that these negative forms of communication are a lot less beneficial to the health of your relationship than the positive ones. In fact, they can be downright destructive—even to your physical health. Researchers found that "negative marital interactions," including nonverbal clues like eye-rolling, lead to decreases in immune function. In fact, James Coan, a neuroscientist from the University of Virginia, concludes, "How often someone rolls their eyes at you can predict how often you need to go to the doctor."

Dr. John Gottman has used his "Love Lab" to quantitatively assess what happens in marriage, and finds that couples continuously send each other "bids" all the time (both verbal and nonverbal)—up to a hundred times over a simple dinner. The bid may be any spoken statement ranging from "You’re cute!" to "When did the gardener come?" And it can be a nonverbal statement, such as a sigh, a downtrodden look, or a raised eyebrow. Simply put, a bid is an effort to draw the other person into a connection. It’s the first step in communication.

How a person responds to a bid is one way of determining the quality of the relationship. Husbands in stable relationships ignore 19 percent of their wives’ bids; husbands headed for divorce ignore them 82 percent of the time. Women tend to be better at responding to bids, ignoring only 14 percent if they’re likely to stay married and 50 percent if they are headed for divorce.

So to strengthen your family life today, focus on your patterns of nonverbal communication with your partner. Keep count of how many positive signals you send versus the negative ones. Assuming that you’re shooting for the ideal five-to-one ratio of positive gestures (smiling, laughing, giving high-fives or "bumps," and nodding agreement) to negative (ignoring, sneering, eye-rolling, glazed-over expression), the result of one day’s tally will give you a good idea of where you stand on the communication issue—regardless of whether or not you sit down to have those heart-to-hearts.

How to have beautiful hair

Women's hair has been a symbol of femininity since the beginning of time. Thick, long, and full-bodied styles emphasize womanly appeal. But even short styles can accent her best features to enhance her physical appearance.

If you were born with thin, limp, or perhaps even normal hair, or have experienced an illness or environmental conditions that have damaged your hair, here are some ideas to help you make the most of your locks:

1. Get a hairstyle that suits your face. Some styles make round faces look thin, while other designs trim inches off long countenances. Find out what looks best on you by consulting a hairstyle professional to get an image consultation. Some inexpensive software programs can show what a different style would look like by matching your face with various hairdo’s.

2. Change your style occasionally. Rather than wear one hairdo the rest of your life, add versatility to your look. Try one design by day, another for evening, and perhaps still another for recreation or sports. Pull your hair into a topknot or a chignon at the back of your neck. Or weave side locks into braids and pull them back with a flower or band.

3. Get your hair trimmed regularly. Six to eight weeks is the usual amount of time most people need between trims, as dead ends accumulate or the style starts to look scruffy. Some folks' hair grows quickly enough to require a monthly cut, while others may slow to the point that they need a salon visit every two or three months. Find out what works best with your hair length and growth style.

4. Coordinate makeup, jewelry, and clothes with your hairstyle. If you have a sophisticated cut, don't wear a teenybopper outfit. If you must do so, adjust your hairstyle accordingly. Let your hair say something about your personality to create a sleek, overall impression.

5. Consider coloring, frosting, or tipping your hair to add highlights. Check with your stylist for the product and hues that are right for your complexion and scalp condition. Follow directions for allergy testing before using any new product. You may want to sample it on a small, hidden hair section to see if the color takes evenly.

6. Don't go extreme. Experiment freely, but do so when you don't have somewhere important to go, and consider a temporary style that can be fixed or you can live through if it doesn't work out. Getting a spike dyed purple may be a bit much for your stockbroker job, so wait until you go on vacation or take a leave before trying something dramatic that may impact the way others judge you, rightly or wrongly.

7. Use a shampoo and conditioner that suits your hair type. There are so many different types on the market these days that it would be easy to pick up the wrong one by mistake. Read labels carefully to decide if you want a shampoo that clarifies, adds volume, or preserves color.

Having a beautiful head of hair can make you stand out in the crowd. But take steps like those outlined above to be sure you stand apart in a positive rather than a shocking way!

13 Ways to Keep Your Husband Happy

Okay ladies, we have already talked about what men can do to keep you happynow let's take a look a few things you can do to show respect to your hubby and keep him smiling.

1. After washing your beautiful locks, don't forget to pick up your hair from the shower drain. It may not bother you but he doesn't like untangling your hair from his big toe.

2. Be understanding of his work schedule. An occasional afternoon call to see when he will be home is fine but when you begin to stalk him daily at 5:01, his boss starts waiting for your call.

3. Let him play with his friends. As long as they are not 5'9, single, intelligent, beautiful and looking for a husband. Seriously, guys need guy friends to hang out with and do boy stuff. Your husband will be happier and won't be so impatient when your girlfriends call you during dinner, breakfast, lunch and sex.

4. Speaking of…, don't let yourself go. That doesn't mean you must maintain a certain weight or length of hair for the sake of your marriage, but it is a gesture of love to take pride in your appearance. You may expect the same from him and you both deserve a mate that is clean, showered, shaved and cares about their health.

5. Buy your own razor. Quit sneaking his razor out of his bathroom to shave your legs and underarms then attempt to conceal the offense by drying it off with his face towel so it doesn't get yours dirty and put it back as if you never used it. (Yes, I have personal experience and he always knows!!!)

6. Compliment him, genuinely and often. Let him know how much you appreciate the little and the big things he does for you and the family. Taking out the trash may be part of his "routine," but acknowledging his efforts will keep him motivated to continue.

7. Don't hide the credit card bills. Be honest with him, even if it hurts. It’s better to hear the truth from you than your creditors.

8. Take the initiative to practice random acts of kindness. Don't wait for Valentine's Day or his birthday to buy him a little "love gift" or write him a love letter. Hug him going out the door in the morning and coming back in the door at night. He's going to wonder what you are up to!

9. Don't talk bad about his parents or his siblings. It’s difficult to kiss someone that just called his mother a tarantula and his father an orangutan. Remember that he is an offspring of that union, which would make him a tarangutan and you the tarangutans bride.

10. Treat him like you did when you first started dating. Don't forget simple words such as "please," "thank you" and "excuse me."

11. Remember all those bodily functions you tried to keep discreet while you were in the throes of wooing him? Just because you have been married several years and are very comfortable around your beloved doesn't mean you can now blow, snort and pick to your heart's content.

12. Plan a date night to do something he loves, even if you don't. Instead of seeing the latest chick flick, compromise and see an action movie and go to dinner at a place you mutually enjoy. Have a couple of glasses of wine so you can sleep through the car chases.

13. Never go to bed angry. Cliché, yes, but true. A well-rested husband is a happy husband—it’s much better to go to bed next to someone that you can curl up next to, rather than someone you must put pillows in between.

How To Care For Your Nails

Have you ever wondered why some women seem to have such gorgeous nails? Could they possibly be real? Of course they can! All you have to do is remember that gorgeous nails need to be pampered and if you remember these simple tips, you could be in possession of gorgeous nails yourself.

1. Your nails are going to reflect what you eat. If you are living on burgers and fries, don't expect your nails to be strong and healthy. Sorry, it just doesn't work that way. Add a tub of yogurt and you are on your way!

2. Get into the habit of wearing rubber gloves as often as possible. You often forget the abuse your nails actually take. Consider how often they are in water... just for starters.

3. Gardening is another seemingly harmless activity that all the summer magazines suggest to you. While I agree that the exercise is a plus, it's not so great on your nails. I use gardening gloves and my nails still get dirty, but it's better than nothing and I have no broken nails at the end of the day.

4. While watching tv, moisturize your hands AND nails with your favorite hand lotion. It's not only relaxing, it helps strengthen the nails.

5. Cuticles can also use a little attention, but go gently. They need to be pampered and dry cuticles also contribute to hangnails, so be sure to spend a little time on them daily.

6. Luckily at the moment, nails are fashionably short. That means that there is less nail to snap off and that is a bonus. Keep them trimmed and your nails will last longer.

7. While some nails benefit from not using polish, mine seem to love the stuff. If they are polished, I seem to notice them more and devote a little more attention to them. They really seem to like that.

8. Keep emery boards everywhere. The worse thing that can happen to pretty nails is a snag and your teeth.

How to Deal With Adult Children

As your child grows and matures, the nature of parenting changes as well. The challenges of a toddler are different than the issues with a teen and the challenges of dealing with an adult child sometimes feel even more daunting. While your relationship and shared history with your child is everlasting, it is especially important to recognize that you need to deal with an adult as an adult, honestly and forthrightly
Step 1

Acknowledge that your relationship is changing. Remember at all times to be respectful and to keep communication ongoing. Discuss with your child your expectation of the same treatment.

  • Step 2

    Set boundaries and clear expectations. Be clear about what you are willing to do to help your child and where you draw the line. It is unfair to both of you for you to say "yes" when you really need to say "no."

  • Step 3

    Appreciate your child for the person she is. Trust her to accept the parameters you have set. Remember, you are no longer raising her.

  • Step 4

    You will always be important to your child. What you do and say will always matter to him. Every adult prefers to be around people who are supportive and uncritical.

  • Step 5

    Don't use guilt. Accept the realities of changing relationships. Be willing to compromise.

  • Step 6

    Don't use money as a toll to manipulate your child. Give advice only when asked.

  • What Kind Of Person Will Your Daughter Become?

    British psychologists carried out a research into how childhood bonds affect the person of a woman in adulthood, The Psychological Science reports.
    They used their findings to divide women into four groups depending on what kind of bond they developed in childhood. Check these groups below.
    1. Dad’s daughters. They grow into self-confident, success-oriented women who get along with men well, but tend to be too emotional and capricious.
    2. Mom’s daughters. Mom’s daughters are likely to become the most feminine of all. They tend to be more responsible as adults but are shy and have difficulties coping with personal problems.
    3. Grandmom’s grand-daughters. They will likely to become idealists who are very exacting about themselves and the others, preserving that all-or nothing childish attitude.
    4. Granddad’s grand-daughters. This type tends to grow into understanding and compassionate persons but suffer from low self-esteem throughout their adulthood.

    Friday, July 30, 2010

    Who are our friends?

    Scientists have looked close at the phenomenon of female friendship and reported their finding in one of the most influential scientific journal Science.

    The study involved women aged between 25 and 35 years old. Researchers discovered that more than 70 percent of women think that a true friendship is when you can be yourself with your friend.

    Women also reported that a true friend is who you can rely on (36 percent of those polled) and who you don’t need to explain the reasons behind your behavior to (24 percent of respondents). Researchers further revealed that women generally prefer age peers as friends and long time friendship. “Long time” varied among women in the study, from 10 to 21 years depending on the age group of respondents.

    Almost 30 percent of women reported their friendships were built at work, 40 percent at school and 32 percent at the college. When asked about underlying friendship rules most women named being able to support emotionally at bad times and never messing around with a friend’s partner.

    How to Make Your Breasts Beautiful with Exercises

    As centuries pass by, the standards of a beautiful bosom have changed for a number of times, today an ideal bust is considered the one with a shape that remains the same no matter what movements your body performs. Hence, a beautiful bosom is considered the one with high, elastic breasts, regardless of their size; the main point of a beautiful bust is its tone. The perfect sport to increase the tone and improve the appearance of your breasts is swimming, the second alternative, in case there is no way to practice this sport, is to see a fitness trainer or do some simple but effective exercises, which will help you strengthen the pectoral muscles by yourself.

    Exercise 1 for Beautiful Breasts. Pressure

    Applying pressure is the simplest exercise for your bust. Stand tall facing the wall, lean against it with your hands. Press against the wall as hard as you can, as if you want to move it, keep on pushing for 10 seconds. Relax, shake your hands. Do a set of 10 repetitions.

    Exercise 2 for Beautiful Breasts. Elbows Touch

    Stand tall, bend your hands slightly in the elbows, keep your hands on your hips. Try to touch your elbows one to the other behind your back, do not do it in jerks, but rather do it slowly, stretching the muscles for 10-15 seconds. Repeat 8 times.

    Exercise 3 for Beautiful Breasts. Palms Pressing

    The next exercise for beautiful breasts is as follows: join your palms in front of the chest and press them hard against each other for 3-5 seconds. Repeat 8-10 times.

    Exercise 4 for Beautiful Breasts. “Dry” Breast-Stroke

    If you can not go to a swimming pool, do this effective exercise to improve the tone of your breast. Stand tall, nestle up to the wall, squeeze the pectoral muscles and make movements, as if you are breast-stroke swimming. Do a hundred slow strokes, keep your pectoral muscles tense all the time.

    Finishing Exercises for Beautiful Breasts with Posture Exercise

    The best way to finish this set of exercises for your bust is to do an exercise which targets your posture. Take a thick book, put it on your head and walk around the house for a few minutes like that, trying to keep it on your crown. This will help you relax the muscles effectively and give them the needed working tone. If you can not walk like that, at least try standing with the book on your head. You can hold on to a chair or the wall, but do not lean against the wall.

    Saturday, July 3, 2010

    Cooking Tips To Make Life Easier

    It is found that these days when people plan to lose weight or shed extra kilos from their body, they search for healthy cooking tips. They search for milk shakes or fruit juice recipes. They also search for any other diet cooking tips which can be easily prepared.

    There are few basic diet cooking tips which one can learn quite easily to prepare in the kitchen. It is observed that with the ever-increasing work pressure it has almost become a necessity to learn few great healthy cooking tips.

    Here are mentioned a handful of nutritious cooking tips that will not only save your money but also your time.

    • Boiled Eggs- While you are boiling eggs, add salt and vinegar to it. This will retain the nutrients and also won't let the shell crack.

    • Bacon- You must make sure that you run cold water over bacon so that it doesn't shrink before frying.

    • Salads – Always remember that when you are making salads, cut your lettuce into wedges instead of tearing them up just to save little time.

    • Unripe fruits and vegetables - Put your ripening fruit and vegetables in a brown paper bag and place it inside a dark cupboard or box for a few days.

    • Pancakes – They are liked by almost everybody. To make them browner in a short span of time, add a little amount of sugar to them.

    • Sauces - To prepare any sauce quickly, make use of condensed cream soups such as cream of chicken, mushroom, and tomato. These will surely help in preparing fast and easy sauces.

    • Tenderization- You can make use of vinegar as a meat tenderizer. Just add a tablespoon of vinegar while you are boiling meat for stews.

    • Frozen vegetables – Wash your frozen vegetables with warm water so that they don't stick together.

    • Corn – Always place your corn directly into boiling water, and don't add salt to it. If by chance you overcook it, the corn will lose its natural taste.

    • Cheese – It is advised that always freeze the cheese before grating it. This will make the cheese shred much thinner and easier.

    • Spaghetti sauce - Just add a little bicarbonate soda to lower the acidic taste of the tomatoes in your spaghetti sauce.

    • Salted Peanuts – Wrap the salted peanuts in a damp cloth to get rid of the salt. This process will help enhance your health.

    As you would have noticed, there are numerous tips for making healthy food. The above mentioned points are just few tips. With a little bit of creativity and imagination, you can come up with plenty of tips which can be quite useful for your family's health. The tips which you make use of should be in accordance with your cooking needs.

    So, if it is your first day in the kitchen and you have no idea where to start, follow the above mentioned tips for guaranteed success. It is often observed that a haphazard way of cooking can only delay meals and you will be stuck in the kitchen for a long time. It's very important that you prepare quicker and easy-to-prepare meals that will be not only healthy but will also successfully please your family’s taste buds.

    Friday, July 2, 2010

    Guide to Buy Brand Clothing

    When you are shopping for clothes, there is something about the clothing brands that attracts people even though the price tag is considerably high. When you are buying clothing brands, you normally get a feeling of trust. Thus, you positively tend to assume that the brand that you have brought will last long and will also look good on you and fit you well.

    Now, more often than not, this turns out to be true. If you wear a brand, then it does tend to fit you better and also look good on you. But, you cannot always go and buy a brand. There are times when you will also have to look for some other normal stuff.

    Here are some useful tips and advice to help you manage your purchase of branded items and otherwise.

    How Often Will You Wear the Dresses?

    There are certain dresses that cannot be worn more than once or twice. These generally include your wedding gowns, prom dresses and the ladies evening gown. There are not many women who would prefer wearing these dramatic outfits more than once or twice.

    Thus, for such dresses, durability or how it will look after first wash is not a big issue. These items are normally given away or consigned after being worn once or twice. Especially in case of wedding gowns, which are preserved and stored safely, there is a sentimental value attached to them.

    Especially, when you are buying a gown, avoid falling for the brands. Rather, concentrate on the dress’s glamour quotient and look for ones more in trend.

    Will the Dresses Add to Your Wardrobe as a Foundation Item?

    There are some clothing items that women buy once in a while. Clothes, like a pair of jeans, a well defined skirt or a classic blazer add to you wardrobe’s foundation. Now, these items can be bought when you need something to last long and still look good year after year. This is when you can safely trust clothing brands. These buys, even though will cost you more, will be a confident buy for you.

    You may consider buying outfits from unknown manufacturers. These outfits may look good and trendy, but the style may not stand the test of time. The garments from unknown manufacturers also lose their shape after certain period of time.

    Is the Garment Meant for Regular Use?

    Now, if you are buying clothing for regular use, then you will need something that can be washed a number of times, and thus, has staying power. These clothes generally include your jeans, t-shirts, business casuals and sweatshirts. These are for regular use and hence will go for wash regularly.

    Thus, to look good even after many washes, you can only trust on clothing brands. Brands are a good choice for such hardworking clothing items.

    Even Brands Change!

    Clothing brands cannot always guarantee long lasting and quality products. Thus, you need to keep your eyes open. Apart from your familiar clothing brands, also keep a check of the up and coming brands.

    After all, dynamics change and today’s unknown clothing brand can become a known brand name tomorrow.

    Fashion Jewelry & Women

    Never doubt a woman's interest in fashion jewellery. For even now, women and jewellery are something that goes hand in hand. You will rarely find a woman who is immune to the attraction of jewellery. Whether those are fine hand crafted jewels, gold jewellery and jade jewellery, there is a wide range with endless possibilities. For a long time now, this metal piece has held the attention of the fairer sex in awe and amazement.

    Now, with changing trends in season, the trends in fashion jewellery also change. You may be wondering what type of jewellery is in fashion this season. What is it that will make you look like a diva this season while still keeping your savings intact?

    The fashion jewellery that is in vogue this season is all about fun and affordability and also being fashionable at the same time. Unlike last year, that saw the simple and classic pieces being in vogue, this season fashion jewellery is all about sparkle, glitz and shine.

    Oversize pieces

    This season, the trend is to wear oversize and big jewellery. No matter if it is a fierce earring set, a statement necklace or a bold bracelet, the trend this season is to sport big and large jewellery pieces.


    This holiday season, the fashion is to wear jewellery with a lot of glitz and colour. These big jewellery pieces create a point of focus for your outfits like dresses and sweaters and the classic turtle-necks. This season, do not limit yourself to the classic colours like red and green. Go ahead and try more bold colours like magenta, royal purple and midnight blue.

    Metallic Jewellery

    Jewellery with a silver tone and which are in yellow gold can be paired with classic gowns and other outfits. At the same time, they can also be carried off on their own. These jewellery pieces are not only great for the holidays, but can also be worn with every season. As it can easily be carried off with all kind of outfit and on any occasion, you can easily splurge on buying these without a feeling of guilt.

    This season is all about being a little bold and taking a risk with regard to your fashion belief. So, do not think twice if you want to flaunt layering pearl bracelets or want to wear dressy and classic jewellery with your casual mix and match stuff. There is no limit to your imagination and do not hold back.

    Your experiments with fashion jewellery will help you create more unique and personalised look, which is sure to make heads turn. Start with checking your jewellery box. See which pieces you already have, and then go about acquiring the new collections and incorporating them one at a time.

    So, no matter if you are buying a jewellery piece for personal use or to gift it to your friends and family, big is definitely in and in vogue! Have fun with all the jewellery choices for this season and ring in the New Year with élan.

    Tips for Safe Traveling during Pregnancy

    Traveling during pregnancy is quite safe, but certain precautions should be taken to avoid any mishaps. In fact, it is a perfectly good idea to take a holiday during pregnancy and it is the best way to relax your mind and body before the happy occasion. However, the happy holiday can be a bit dampened if you keep experiencing cramps and morning sickness. It is always advisable to go anywhere calm and soothing like a beach, rather than hilly area during pregnancy. Follow your doctor’s instruction and take the prescribed medication and things should be just fine.

    • Upset Stomach: It is one of the most common problems during any traveling, because often the body takes time to adjust to the new kind of food in another part if the country. For the pregnant woman, this can be quite a bother, combined with morning sickness. The best remedy to this problem is to eat healthy and order meals with less oil and spices. Drink bottled water and avoid ice as you may be clueless regarding the purity of water used in making ice. Always carry a small pouch of soap in your hand, because if you are traveling from one city to another in a car, with no proper accommodation nearby and you need to take a snack, you will need to wash your hands.

    • Avoid Heat and Dehydration: Your body needs plenty of fluids at this stage so always keep drinking water at regular intervals, and carry bottled water when you step outside. Also if it is very hot outside, then always wear clothes made from natural fiber like cotton and take special care to protect your eyes. Humidity will only add to the discomfort, and may aggravate any other problems you might be having during this period. Even air-conditioning can be very dehydrating, so even if you are staying indoors, be sure to drink lots of water. It is best if you keep a daily record of the intake of fluids.

    • Emergency Kit: Carry an emergency kit along with the prescribed medication. Pack in an ORS pack and some mineral supplements. Nausea usually occurs during the first trimester of pregnancy, so if you have already passed that stage, it may be your body is going through some additional stress and you may have to consult the local doctor. So it is always essential to carry your medical papers even if you are on a holiday. Normally traveling should be avoided in the first and third trimester, so try to schedule your traveling plans in the second semester, when you body has grown more accustomed to the internal changes, and the delivery is still a few days away.

    Most usual symptoms of early pregnancy

    Am I pregnant?" is probably the most common health question women ask these days. The signs of early pregnancy are easy to recognize, particularly if this is not your first pregnancy. No matter how many times you get pregnant, the signs and symptoms of early pregnancy are always the same.

    However, this does not mean that you will experience every pregnancy in the very same way.
    Also, remember that some of the earliest signs of pregnancy may be subtle but not obvious.

    Here are the ten signs of early pregnancy and its symptoms-

    Missed Period

    Perhaps the most obvious early symptom of pregnancy is when you've missed your period. This possible sign of pregnancy often leads women to search for more details about the other pregnancy symptoms. Doctors are of the opinion that some pregnant women might only experience a much lighter period compared to their usual.

    Breast Tenderness

    One of the very noticeable early signs of pregnancy is tender, swollen, somewhat sore breasts. You may notice this sign at bedtime when you are trying to get comfortable and sleep, when exercising or showering, or also when getting dressed.
    When you become pregnant, your body begins preparing your breasts for producing milk and breastfeeding. Also the hormones start increasing. Some women notice their nipples darken in color.

    Fatigue and Exhaustion

    You might start going to bed sooner, or find it harder than usual to get out of bed in the morning. If you are working, by afternoon you may feel like lying down. A simple activity like shopping may leave you feeling wiped out and lightheaded.
    If you know you are pregnant, try to take frequent rests/naps of 15 minutes to a half-hour whenever possible during the day.

    Frequent Urination

    An early symptom of pregnancy that others may observe you experiencing is frequent trips to the restroom. One cause of this pregnancy symptom is that the swelling uterus can put pressure on your bladder.
    Also, pregnancy causes extra body fluids to be processed by your kidneys and bladder. This symptom might remain consistent during the nine months of pregnancy.

    Nausea and vomiting

    This symptom may often be prevented by eating smaller, more frequent snack size meals. Many women say saltine crackers and milk seem to be helpful. It tends to level off once you are into your second trimester and your body adjusts to all the different changes it is going through.

    Dizziness and/ or Fainting

    Going up stairs, standing up suddenly after sitting for sometime, or just having to stand in a queue can make you feel lightheaded. As the uterus swells it compresses arteries in your legs. This can drop your blood pressure and make you dizzy or you might faint.
    A common early sign of pregnancy is that you may faint when you have gone a while without eating. This happens due to low blood sugar level, because that is your baby's main source of food.

    Food Cravings or aversions to foods

    Taking a good pre-natal vitamin supplement and a pure fish oil capsule may ease some cravings and help prevent extra weight gain and it is often recommended by the doctor for the health of your baby.
    Less well known but equally common pregnancy signs are aversions to certain foods. You may find that some foods you previously enjoyed are no longer appetizing.


    Food passes more slowly through the intestines due to the increased level of progesterone, leading to constipation during pregnancy.

    Raised basal body temperature

    If you are charting your basal body temperature (oral temperature taken just after you woke up in the morning) you can notice an increase in it if you are pregnant.

    Light bleeding and/or cramping

    The most common reason for light bleeding during early pregnancy is implantation. Implantation bleeding occurs when the fertilized egg implants itself in the uterine lining and usually occurs about 10 to 14 days after conception. Bleeding caused by implantation is usually light.

    Cramping that is similar to menstrual cramps occurs early during pregnancy and happens when the uterus begins to expand to make room for the embryo to develop into a fetus.

    An important point to remember is that while these symptoms are common during pregnancy, sometimes none of these symptoms occurs.

    f you experience the signs and symptoms of pregnancy, buy a home pregnancy test and visit your doctor – either to begin prenatal care and confirm your pregnancy.

    Tests during Pregnancy

    Pregnancy is accompanied by medical check up’s and a lot of tests to be undertaken. Following are the lists of tests to be taken during pregnancy:

    Blood Sugar

    This test must be taken between 20 -30 weeks. It is absolutely necessary to take this test if one has a family history of Diabetes and High Blood Pressure.

    Urine Test

    At every visit to the doctor the urine is checked as it is the basic test during pregnancy done for every pregnant woman. Urine is checked to ensure that there is right amount of glucose, white blood corpuscles, proteins, red blood corpuscles and ketones.


    It is a very safe method to check visually the baby and its condition. It tells about the position of the placenta, the sex of the baby, if there is more than one baby or not, the size of the baby and other abnormalities if present. The first one is done within 8 weeks and the second one is usually done between 18-24 weeks of pregnancy

    One has to drink a lot of water before going through a ultrasound test during pregnancy and then a waves are passed over the abdomen and then images are obtained.

    The Alpha Feto Protein Test

    If the baby is not being formed properly, it is shown in this test.

    The Doppler Test

    It is generally done after 30 weeks have passed. It checks the condition of the baby; whether the baby has received enough nutrients needed and also tells about the heartbeat of the baby.

    The Colored Doppler Test,

    It uses colors to show the blood flow in the baby. This test is generally not recommended to every pregnant woman. Only women who have complications like high blood pressure, diabetes etc. are recommended to take this test during pregnancy.


    If both , the mother and the father carry thalassemia traits there are 75% chances that the baby too has it. After finding the result positive, counseling is done and various issues related to it are discussed with the parents.

    Vaginal Culture

    Fluids that are secreted from the vagina are taken for tests during pregnancy to check for sexually transmitted diseases.


    This is known as Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenas test. If one has the traits, she can have side effects to many medications.

    Therefore, it is recommended to take all the important tests during pregnancy and also ensure that you get all your vaccinations done in time for a healthy and safe pregnancy.


    Walking is considered as one of the most simplest, effective and easy exercise to keep ourselves fit and healthy. Not much of the efforts are required to walk for sometime daily. Women at the time of pregnancy as well as after pregnancy should walk daily. It will keep them healthy and fit. Walking during pregnancy helps women to improve their endurance and to recover them from pregnancy effects.


    Walking is very good for one’s body especially during pregnancy. It can regain your spirits and help you feel fresh. It is one remedy for most of the ailments.

    There are certain ways, which are recommended for walking during pregnancy:

    • One should maintain the right posture when walking. Try to walk straight and try not to lean over someone else when walking. Hold someone’s hand while walking. Relax yourself and walk. This will also help you cure your back pain. Some women also wear a maternity belt when walking. This helps them to maintain their posture.

    • Look straight while walking. You should not look here and there while walking. This will help you to avoid walking into someone or something accidentally. It will also help you to cure your problem of backaches.

    • Walk at a desired pace. There is no need to run and walk neither walk too slowly. Walking at a normal pace copes with the various exercises you need to do during pregnancy. Do not walk too fast that you lose your breath.

    • Always stretch before walking and after walking. As during pregnancy, the muscles tend to stretch preparing the body for the labor pains; therefore, one must stretch oneself before and after walking.

    Many hormones are released during pregnancy. They make us feel sore and uncomfortable. Therefore, the chances of getting hurt during pregnancy increases. But if you exercise daily or take a short walk, which is equivalent to exercising, you may get relief.

    If you feel bored while walking alone, you can talk to some other friend or relative of yours and can ask them to accompany you for walking during pregnancy. You can also listen to some music while walking which will make you feel comparatively less bored. If two people are walking together, both of them can keep each other motivated. Walking during pregnancy is one of the best methods to keep yourself fit and fine.

    Thursday, July 1, 2010

    Pruning Climbing Roses

    This need present no difficulty, although it is true it seems to puzzle many rose growers of some years' standing. But, as a rule, where they err is not in pruning the plants insufficiently, but in pruning them too much. While systematic and regular pruning is good for the dwarf roese climbing varieties, as a rule, are all the better for light pruning. The best blooms of a climbing rose are produced by one-year-old growths and, theoretically, the shoots that have bloomed should be cut out as soon as the flowers are over, so that fresh growths may be encouraged to take their places. This is certainly correct advice,, but some sorts are so accommodating that the removal of the older growths may often be dispensed with. They are found among the wichuraiana varieties. These bloom so freely, even from the side shoots that form on the two- and three-year-old stems, that it is a pity to cut them out as long as there is room for them. Of course, preference is always given to the youngest, and it is unwise to crowd the growths together, or in aiming at getting a superabundance of blossom the grower may find that unhappily he obtains none at all worth having. Thus, while liberties may be taken with the Dorothy Perkins class of rose that would lead to disappointment with other kinds, it should not be forgotten that no rose will bloom well if its growths have not a fair share of sunshine and fresh air. Here are the names of a few that may be neglected for two or three years so far as pruning is concerned and be none the worse for it, and in the garden of the inexperienced grower they may conceivably be all the better:-Dorothy Perkins and its first cousin, if not its sister, Lady Gay, Auguste Barbier, Alberic Barbier, Tausendschon, Minnehaha, Hiawatha, White Dorothy Perkins, Jersey Beauty, Elisa Robinson, Gardenia, Lady Godiva, Joseph Billard, and Edmond Proust.

    Climbing roses belonging to the multiflora class, of which Crimson Rambler is a type,- are not to be treated so cavalierly in the matter of pruning. There is a great difference in the quality of the blooms produced by one-year-old growths and those of greater age. The shoots of the previous year's growth yield fine flower bunches direct from the main stem, but all other growths bloom only from comparatively weak side shoots, and their flowers are not to be compared with those from younger stems. It is thus not wise to take liberties with Crimson Rambler and its near relations, or they will retaliate by rewarding the gardener in negative fashion in the matter of blossom. Let me name a few of these near relatives so that the reader may be forewarned, and treat them with the respect that they at any rate seem to think is their due. Some of the most familiar are Aglaia, Blush Rambler, Crimson Rambler, Electra, H61&e, Leuchtstern, Mrs. Flight, Philadelphia Rambler, Psyche, Rubin, and Waltham Rambler. " Cut out the old, train in the new " should be the grower's motto in dealing with these.

    I must just say a word about the pruning of the Noisette roses, for they need considering separately, and among them are such favorites as William Allen Richardson and Reve d'Or. They are not so adept at producing fresh vigorous shoots from the base of the plant as varieties of the two classes just mentioned, and therefore the older shoots must be treated with greater consideration than usual, since when there are few to replace them we must needs make the best of those we have. As a rule, if, well planted and hard pruned the spring following planting they grow vigorously enough for the first two or three years ; afterwards an opportunity is usually offered to the practiced pruner to give proof of his skill. This he will do by bending down some of the strong growths that have assumed a perpendicular position, by shortening others to within a few inches of the ground, and by seeing that all shoots are spread out as much as possible. Everyone must have noticed that all plants grown against walls (and it is often as wall roses that the Noise varieties are valuable) show most vigor at the top.. If this state of things is allowed to become too pronounced it must ultimately mean that the base of the plant gets bare. Noise roses other than those I have mentioned are found in Celine Forestier, Marechal Niel, Fortune's Yellow, Lamarque (all needing the shelter of a warm wall facing south), Alister Stella Oray, and C. Kuster. So much, then, for pruning the roses that are commonly grown. What I have not made plain I hope the accompanying sketches will do. I am trusting to them to make up for my shortcomings in description. There is really not very much to say in respect of the other classes of roses that are comparatively rarely grown that would interest the average amateur. They nearly all need similar treatment, which is, that you cut out some of the older growths occasionally in late summer when the plants have done flowering, and at the spring pruning, which is practiced in late March, you cut back about half-way each remaining shoot.