Perfect black maternity dress with a touch of white around the neckline.
Maternity off shoulder dress is finished off with stylish Bell sleeves.
Perfect for the office, a baby shower or any occasion.
All maternity evening wear is not refundable items.
Can be simply taken in after your pregnancy.
Small---------size 4-6
Medium-------size 8-10
Large----------size 10-12
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Blk/Wht Maternity Dress
Weight Loss after the Pregnancy

Rebecca felt even in the first three weeks she has lost 16 kg without doing anything. “I can not too many sports because my twin children. It is not possible to return to the training schedule as before,” she added. However, she realized that she can not hope to return to the form of the body first. “There is still excess weight that must be removed.”
Breastfeeding is to be a good way to accelerate the decrease in body weight. It is evident that provide breastfeeding issue certain hormones in the body for the first 12 months after the birth to help the uterus return to form before the pregnancy. When breastfeeding, everything we eat will be processed into breast milk and the baby will take food from you.
In addition to breastfeeding, there is no other way to reduce body weight except diet and sports. However, we must ensure that this is done both in a manner that is healthy and safe. You can begin exercise 40 days after birth. Of course, select the sports that are not too heavy. These are any tips of weight loss after pregnancy:

1. Lay down in position with your back flat and the second knee buckling. Keep the foot flat on the floor (or bed) and knee meetings.
2. Slowly, move the knee bend to the right thigh right up to touch the outside floor. Make sure the top of the body (stomach and chest) remains straight upwards.
3. Then turn back to the top of the knee and to the left so that the outside of the left thigh touches the floor.
4. Repeat this movement several times. This movement of relax will repair joints and stiff joints that will ease back pain after childbirth.
After your condition is quite strong, you can walk for 30 minutes every day. After the better, do jogging effective as running to burn calories. Treadmill you can use to find out how many calories are burned. Another way is to burn the calories by handle your baby alone and reduce the help of family or servant.
What about diet?
You have often heard that healthy eating patterns, including
1. Stop consumes food and drinks that too sweet. Reduce sugar from which you enjoy a drink, stop drink-drink cans, and avoid cake, brownies, chocolate, and so forth. Consumption more white water.
2. Reduce carbohydrates because carbohydrates can turn into sugar in the body and keep your weight on during pregnancy. If you’d like better (because you are still producing breast milk), find the recipe books that offer food combining eating pattern that is also useful to streamline.
3. Add fiber to food in the menu, such as fruits and vegetables. Do not forget to keep drinking milk, but select the product or even low fat milk and yogurt is fat free.
4. Reduce the portion you eat. How many portions are enough for us? Take meat, fish, or chicken, as many as 85 gr, 28 gr cheese, and 1 tsp butter.
So that hard work is successful, there are three things we need to remember: patience, motivation, and trust that you will come back healthy and slim.
How To Make Your Breast Looks Tight And Beautiful

For many women, having breast condition that no longer as tight as a young is fair happen. Moreover, the age you have already spread increased, so that the breast is starting down a little. What happens is, the network fastener joints which holding the breast start to sag, so that your breast will looks down a bit. In addition, the skin is not rigid anymore, so that the breast gland will contract and the fat will replace it. But you don’t need to worry. For woman’s affairs, there are ways to prevent or improve this. At a minimum, maintain the breast shape and tension. So you can have breast care regularly:
2. Apply conditioner containing a moisturizer regularly, such as sea butter or vitamin E oil, to maintain skin elasticity or breast elasticity. This cream will seep into the skin perfectly; helps maintain the appearance of breasts looks young. Although your skin sensitive, you can still use it.
3. Want to try the other ingredients? Mix one teaspoon of vitamin E oil (you can get it from vitamin E capsule) with one teaspoon of yogurt and an egg. Apply this herb and squeeze your breast with play movement, and wearing bra for about 20 minutes. After that, Rinse in warm water.
4. Mix one cucumber in big size, fatty cream cake, and egg white (1 grain) into a blender. Apply this dough leave for 15 minutes. The use of natural products should not give side effects, but should not apply it if the skin is being injured. Rinse in warm water.
5. Take two Ice Cube and then paste in the breast with rotating half-circle movement. Make at least 1 minute. Do not make this technique more than 1 minute, or if the ice is making you feel uncomfortable. Ice will act as a maker a network under the skin.
6. Best exercise for chest muscle strain is a push up. Expand yoga mat or mats, and do push-up 10 times in 4 sets, at least 3-4 times a week. See how the changes.
7. Folding your both hands in front of the breast, handheld the palm each other as such as to pray. Then, press both of them. Feel how the chest muscles will stretch when both palms press each other. This movement does not need a special room, you can do while sitting in the bus to the office.
8. Take two dumbbell ( 1 or 2 kg ). Lie down on the floor, each hand holding a dumbbell. Pull the both arms in shoulder-high with the palm facing up. Lift both arms up, bend the elbow a little, so that the weight meet to your chest. Then, lowering the arm to the second side of the shoulder again. Repeat this exercise 8-12 times, 1 minute a rest. Make for 4 set.
9. Another exercise which also good idea to tighten breast is swimming. If you have left this hobby because you are busy in the office and manage children, come on, take to the swimming pool immediately with your children.
10. Use the right bra, according to the form of your breast. Sometimes we choose the wrong bra model, so that the bra does not lift the breast and even let it hang. Sport bra can also be used if your breast size is medium.
Tips to keep the breast tight with breast care:
1. Apply and massage breast with cream before bed. Do not forget to wear a comfortable bra.
2. Avoid activities such as bow to the front, jogging, or running. This will make the breast decreased. Make sure that you sit down with the correct position (vertical).
3. Do not expect that the results of all the ingredients or physical exercise can be seen in a week. Do regularly every day, and need not calculate the days when you can see the results.
Top 10 Signs of Pregnancy

Below is a list of some of the first signs of impending motherhood. You may experience all, some, or none of these symptoms of pregnancy:
1. Food cravings: Sure it's a cliche, but food cravings sometimes can be a sign of pregnancy. Don't rely on them as a sure symptom (it may be all in your head, or even a sign that your body is low on a particular nutrient), but if cravings are accompanied by some of the other symptoms on this list, start counting the days from your last period.
2. Darkening of your aureoles: If the skin around your nipples gets darker, you may have successfully conceived, though this may also signal a hormonal imbalance unrelated to pregnancy or be a leftover effect from a previous pregnancy.
3. Implantation bleeding or cramping: About eight days after ovulation, you may experience implantation spotting, a slight staining of a pink or brown color, as well as some cramping. You might also see some spotting around the time you expect your period; this is caused by the egg burrowing into the endometrial lining.
4. Frequent urination: Once the embryo implants and begins producing the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), you may find yourself going to the bathroom more often.
5. Fatigue: Feeling tired? No, make that exhausted. High levels of the hormone progesterone can make you feel as if you've run a marathon when all you've done is put in a day at the office. Fatigue is a hallmark of early pregnancy, though probably not a surefire symptom on its own.
6. Tender, swollen breasts: If you're pregnant, your breasts will probably become increasingly tender to the touch, similar to the way they feel before your period, only more so. Once your body grows accustomed to the hormone surge, the pain will subside.
7. Morning sickness: If you're lucky, morning sickness won't hit you until a few weeks after conception. (A lucky few escape it altogether.) But as early as a couple of days following conception, you may begin feeling nauseated and queasy. And not just in the morning, either pregnancy-related nausea can be a problem morning, noon, or night. You may also notice that your sense of taste changes. Some women say they have a metallic taste in their mouth, others that they cannot stand the taste of coffee, tea, or a food they usually like.
8. Your basal body temperature stays high: If you've been charting your basal body temperature and you see that your temperature has stayed above the coverline for 18 days in a row, you're probably pregnant.
9. A missed period: If you're usually pretty regular and your period is late, it's worth trying a pregnancy test. A missed period is the surest sign of pregnancy in a woman of childbearing age who usually has regular periods. And finally ...
10. A positive home pregnancy test: If you've waited to test until at least the first day of a missed period and a blue line appears in the test window, you're most likely in the family way. Make an appointment with your doctor to confirm the good news, and head on over to our pregnancy area.
Tired of Being Pregnant

As much as mothers might like to naturally induce labor as soon as they grow tired of being pregnant, labor starts often unpredictably and sometimes later than what mothers would like for their own comfort. Babies will come at 38 weeks and other times will need 42 weeks. Technically you are not overdue or what is called "postdates" until 42 weeks. However, today it is more common to hear from providers that you are "overdue" even if your due date was yesterday!
So in essence, your due date is only a very rough target; which is why it is referred to as an EDD - estimated due date. Your own baby will likely come within a period of four weeks between 38-42 weeks. Only about 3-5% of women actually give birth on their due date not to mention that the majority of women don't go into labor until after their estimated due date!
Rushing the Last Weeks May Cause Long Labors and Cesareans
Studies have shown that if your body is not ready for labor, (i.e. cervix unripe- not dilated or effaced) and you have an induction with pitocin, you will either have a very long labor or a much greater chance of a cesarean. For more information about reasons for an induction and how to labor with an induction, see this article on labor inductions.
Realize that inductions, especially early ones, can be harmful to your baby. If your baby is born even 1-2 weeks pre-term, they can have difficulty breathing on their own. This can happen when your due date has been miscalculated and the baby's lungs have not finished developing. Babies may require a stay in the NICU often for several days or longer if necessary.
Sleep is Not a Given After the Baby Arrives
Another thing to consider is that even though your sleep is likely to be very poor in the last few weeks of your pregnancy, it won't get any better once the baby comes. In fact, most babies will be wakeful and need to eat about every 2 hours thoughout the day and night for the first several weeks. Many babies will be waking up once or twice a night even months after birth.
Stop a Nail Biting Habit with Proper Natural Nail Care
clean by washing regularly. It’s amazing how many people (guys especially, but some women and girls too) walk around with grubby non manicured finger nails. Get a nail brush and put it by the sink, so it’s convenient whenever you wash your hands. An added plus of a nail brushing your fingers is the way it feels: those soft bristles and the luxurious soapy lather take your hands on a daily very mini spa vacation. Always follow up with a nice hand cream or lotion to keep your hands moisturized
A finger nail biting cure that helped remedy 18 year old girl's problem from when she was a child.
I know a New York woman who stopped biting her nails when she was eighteen, because she wanted to be a flight attendant, and she had read in one of those “How to Be a Flight Attendant” guides, that bitten nails would keep her from being accepted into “Smile School”. (It was a long time ago, when airlines also had age limitations for stewardesses.) I admired her greatly as she stopped through sheer willpower.At first, she went retro and wore gloves a lot. She also started carrying a nail file in her purse so that when a nail got split or roughened, she could take care of it on the spot. She wore gloves because taking off a glove to bite a nail is a great way to make yourself pause and consider, and then stop the behavior before it starts. She never did become a flight attendant, but she did have her hands photographed for a newspaper ad for the Chicago manicure and nail salon that she frequented and once more a few years later for a Los Angeles nail care and manicure salon.