Saturday, November 28, 2015

Turmeric Smoothie Recipe For Overall Health

Turmeric is a great source of curumin that is a anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-tumour, antibacterial, and antiviral agent. It also helps flush out dietary carcinogens, boost liver detox and treat depression.

Turmeric Smoothie Recipe:
-1 cup hemp or coconut milk
-1/2 cup frozen pineapple or mango chunks
-1 fresh banana
-1 tablespoon coconut oil
-1/2 teaspoon turmeric (can be increased to 1 tsp)
-1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
-1/2 teaspoon ginger
-1 teaspoon chia seeds
-1 teaspoon maca (optional)
Process these ingredients in a blender until smooth and enjoy the multiple benefits of turmeric.

Superfood Amala For Overall Women Health & Wellbeing

According to Ayurveda, a woman’s health is directly related to her menstrual cycles. Regular menstrual cycle is not just meant for conception and pregnancy.
This process aids in detoxification of our bodily toxins and is highly regarded in Ayurveda for every woman to feel grounded, feminine, and most importantly, to get connected with her inner self during this time. Unfortunately for most women and especially in the western world, menstruation is considered to be a hindrance in day-to-day activities.
Amla also know as Amalia in Sanskrit is a popular fruit widely available in India and extensively used in Ayurveda for thousands and thousands of years. The literal translation of Amla is ‘sour’ but the deeper meaning and translation of Amalaki in Sanskrit is ‘immortality’! because of it’s powerful healing attributes.

How I Use Amla?

I personally use Amalaki powder on a daily basis during the summer season to pacify my pitta dosha and also use it regularly during my monthly cycles.
During our monthly cycle, it’s very important according to Ayurveda to keep the Apana Vata (the downward flow) in balance. This sub-dosha pretty much controls the menstrual flow and is located in the lower abdomen.
Amla or Amalaki is an excellent Ayurvedic herb to balance this Apana Vata which results in healthy and regular menstrual cycle. It strengthens the uterus and improves the reproductive health.
Another added bonus of including Amla in our daily diet is – it contains all the five of the six rasas (tastes) of Ayurveda except the salty taste. This aids in optimal digestion and metabolism resulting in Ojas! (balanced life energy). Optimal digestion results in optimal ojas which in turn builds strong immunity and strength.
Balanced life energy (Ojas) supports female health by making the skin lustrous, eyes glowing, mental equilibrium ( no mood swings), glowing complexion with an overall charismatic and warm personality

Why Should Women Consume Amla?
-Promotes strength and immunity against diseases
-One of the highest sources of Vitamin C and other important minerals (enhances glow and luster)
-Regulates Urinary Tract by being a natural diuretic
-Boosts cellular re-generation
-Aids in menstrual cramps
-Alleviates feeling of sadness
-Promotes regular bowel movement
-Eases constipation
-Tridoshic – balances body and mind
-Encourages weight loss and reduces bloating (by optimal digestion and elimination)
-Deeply detoxifies the tissues in the body
There are many ways to having this Amla powder in your daily diet. You can simply mix it with warm/hot water and drink it. You can also try one of my most popular smoothie using Amla, it’s called Blissful Nari Smoothie.
I will end my post with Sage Charaka’s saying “Amalaki is the best among rejuvenative herbs”.

How to Easily Manage Your Weight


We can break it down to TEN things that every toddler does. And if we as adults remember these 10 ways to live – maybe our lives would be happier, easier and even more fun!
1. TODDLERS ARE TOUGH: They fall. They get hurt. They pick themselves up. They brush off. And they keep going! As adults, we stumble and fall – maybe not physically, but emotionally. If we remember to be like a toddler, maybe we can be tough too! And when we get hurt, we can pick ourselves up, brush up and keep going just like them.
2. TODDLERS FORGIVE QUICKLY: No matter what you do, a toddler will still love you. You can mess up. You can make really bad mistakes. But a toddler doesn’t hold grudges.
3. TODDLERS SOAK IT ALL IN: They love new adventures and they love to see new things. They love to explore and they don’t ever take a minute for granted. Maybe as adults, we can take the time to soak it in. Soak in every minute. Soak in the little things in life that we often times look over. Soak in family time. Soak in time with friends. Soak in the sun and soak in the rain.
4. TODDLERS LEARN SOMETHING NEW EVERYDAY: After they soak it in, they keep it and they learn it. They are little sponges that listen and really put it in their little brains. We are never too old to learn. As adults, we can learn daily by reading, studying and listening. Even as a mom, we can even learn things FROM our toddlers!
5. TODDLERS BELLY LAUGH: There isn’t a better sound in the world than a child’s belly laugh. That laugh that is real. That laugh that screams pure joy. That laugh that is contagious! When was the last time you had a real laugh? Those laughs that make your stomach hurt or cry… or pee. Belly laugh – and don’t hold back.
6. TODDLERS FOCUS ON WHAT THEY HAVE: Not on what they don’t have. They are happy with what you give them and normally are easy to please. As adults we can focus on our blessings. So often we get tied up into the things we wish we had or things that would be nice to have. Jeff Dixon said, “Sometimes we focus so much on what we don’t have, that we fail to see, appreciate and use what we DO have.”
7. TODDLERS ARE FLEXIBLE: They go with the flow and will stand by you wherever you go. No matter what life brings them, they figure it out and carry on. Sometimes as adults when our plan A doesn’t work out, we have a hard time changing our plans. We can learn from toddlers to keep going and to keep trying – that everything works out.
8. TODDLERS GET EXCITED TO SEE FAMILY AND FRIENDS: Toddlers are often times the first person to greet someone at the door. They get excited when daddy comes home or when they get to see mom after a long day. Their hugs tell you that you were missed. As adults, we can remember what is most important are the people around us.
9. TODDLERS DON’T TAKE LIFE TOO SERIOUSLY: Everything is fun for a toddler – and they can find joy anywhere they go. At the grocery store? They just want to run around. At church? They just want to run around. At home? They just want to run around. They have energy and know how to have a good time. Sometimes as we get older, life gets so serious and all about our check-lists and things to do. As we strive to be more like a toddler, we can have more fun and make better memories!
10. TODDLERS LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY: They love their moms. They love their dads. They love their grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. They love their neighbors and they love their friends. They don’t judge or try to be mean. They don’t hate or talk mean about others. They LOVE. And so can we.


It’s the intent of many people to have a healthy, long-lasting relationship. One of the keys to a sustainable relationship is maintaining the mutual satisfaction of both partners and that can mean taking steps to ensure that the romance stays alive for the long haul. Here are a few fun and easy tips so that you and your partner keep the desire alive and go the distance.
As we hinted at in the previous entry, sexting can be a great way to keep a little bit of spark in your relationship when you don’t have the time to be with your partner as much as you’d like. A study on the sexting habits of US adults found that 56 percent of those surveyed said that the activity improved their relationships. Some sex and relationship experts are supporters of titillating texting and cite it as a fun and exciting way to maintain interest between partners until the time is right.

Keep Trying New Things

It’s no secret that sometimes you have to try something new to keep from falling into a romantic rut. However, an article on reigniting the spark in your relationship explains that something new doesn’t necessarily mean something ridiculous. According to the writer (she’s an assistant professor of psychology at Villanova), simply taking the the time to change things up a bit helps to “expand the ways that you think about yourself and your relationship.” Start small and try something simple that’s still outside of both of your comfort zones. This could be trying a new food together, starting a project you can both work on or beginning a fitness plan. Anything that can get you out of your set schedule can go a long way to keeping your relationship feeling fresh.


1. NEVER FORGET THAT YOU ARE A TEAM: The moment you say “I DO” – you are promising to be a team! Not a, “You do 50% and I will put in my 50%” kind of team – it is a 100% from him and a 100% from you, kind of team. Team mates work together. They support each other. They compliment each other. They help each other feel good about themselves. In a team, one is not over the other – they are equal.
2. HIS FAMILY IS NOW YOUR FAMILY: When you get married, two families unite. Make a list of your favorite things about your family and your favorite things about his family – and make your own family! Make sure you spend time with his family and try to form relationships with his parents and siblings. You are one of “them” now – so find your role and play your part.
3. EVERYONE MAKES MISTAKES: You will make mistakes. Your husband will make mistakes. We are human and we aren’t perfect. Know though, that even if he makes a mistake – it isn’t the end of the world. Just like every other guy on the planet, he isn’t perfect… and that is okay! In fact, maybe it was his imperfections that made you fall in love with him in the first place. “We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person, perfectly.”
4. FORGIVENESS IS KEY: So… about those mistakes and imperfections – how do we get over them? Forgiveness. Sometimes it is easier said than done, but forgiveness is vital in a marriage. In order to continue progressing together and falling more in love – you must communicate and forgive. Let him know that something is bothering you, talk about it and find a solution. We have learned it is better to just get it off our chests when it happens, rather than keep it in and hold a grudge.
5. CHOOSE YOUR BATTLES: If the cap is always off the toothpaste… should you say something? If the toilet paper roll is never replaced… should you say something? If the dishes aren’t done EXACTLY how you would like them to be done… should you say something? I don’t think there is anything wrong with acknowledging it, but be careful how you word it. I actually learned this the hard way.
I love doing the dishes and I like them to be done a specific way… but one day my husband came up ahead of me and did them. Instead of thanking him, I got upset because they weren’t done how I would like them to be done. Dumbest mistake EVER!! That was so nice of him to help – and what a SILLY thing for me to get upset about. Before you bite his head off, think about if it is REALLY worth it.
6. LAUGHING IS CONTAGIOUS: It is so important in marriage to have FUN! You HAVE to laugh. You HAVE to. It isn’t even a question. A couple that laughs together, stays together! Don’t take things too seriously.
We have a family motto. We actually made it up right when we got married and it is “DBD.” Can anyone guess what that might stand for? It means: DON’T BE DUMB. Not in a mean way – but like, don’t be dumb and get upset over silly things. And don’t be dumb and make bad choices. And don’t be dumb and say mean things. This motto has helped us and we even have it on our entertainment center so we can see it every day.
Don’t forget to have FUN! Don’t forget to date. Don’t forget to play and take some time just for the two of you. Don’t forget to smile. Don’t forget to make each other laugh.
7. CHANGES WILL COME: In my article, The Changes A Baby Brings, you can read all about what kinds of changes I am talking about here. BUT – a baby isn’t the only thing that can bring a change in your marriage. You may move. You may find a new job. You may pick up a new hobby. You may meet new friends. We all change – and that is a good thing. We should always be progressing and becoming better individuals, but I would like to emphasize that these changes and growing matters – should be together as a couple. You should grow together….as a team.
Set goals as a family and work to achieve them. We always love having a little project that we work on together. We find it brings us closer together as we do our parts in achieving our accomplishments. Your love will grow stronger as you spend time together work 

8. WORDS HURT TOO: You know the saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” I am here to say…. that words do hurt. In fact, when they come from a spouse, your very best friend, your eternal companion – they hurt even worse. Think before you speak.
My mom always reminded me growing up, “Kindness begins with me.” As a married woman now, I always try to remember that. Let us be kind to our spouses. Let us say uplifting and positive things to each other.
9. BE BEST FRIENDS FOREVER: We always used the phrase, “BFF” growing up – and you can actually really be BFF {Best Friends Forever} with your spouse! I have 10 Ways To Stay Best Friends With Your Husband here that might give you some guidelines.
I remember on my Honeymoon – I had a little “wife moment.” I looked at my new husband and just stared at him {he thought I was crazy}! It hit me at a random second, while driving along the shore in Maui that I was on vacation, alone, with my HUSBAND! It was just me and him! There was nobody else on this earth that I would have rather been with at that moment. We should always remember that. You marry your best friend and he should stay your best friend.
10. NEVER GIVE UP: Last, but certainly not least is to NEVER give up. Not on him. Not on you. Not on your marriage. When hard times come {and they will!} stay close together through spending time together, praying together, laughing together, forgiving together and just BEING together.
Think about what is most important in your life – it is probably your family, yes? Make sure they are your priority and never give up on them. I love the quote by Thomas S. Monson, “What is most important almost always involves the people around us.”
I know that life isn’t perfect and hard times will come. BUT I do know that love can last, if we focus on what matters most.
ing on something you both want to be successful at.


Have you ever had one of those days where it seems like your husband is doing EVERYTHING wrong?
Maybe he didn’t react the way you wanted him to when you told him the gossip about your friends or family drama. Maybe you felt like he didn’t kiss you like he meant it when he walked in the door from work. Maybe he didn’t do the dishes exactly how you wanted him to. And of course – maybe he didn’t tell you how AMAZING you looked in your new outfit that you just bought.
I have had days like these. I think as wives, we all have. And if you haven’t had a day like this – it is probably coming. Sometimes as women, we know exactly how we want our husbands to be or react in certain situations. But guess what? Unfortunately, that doesn’t always happen. Men think a lot differently than women and what might be SUPER important to you, may be the LAST thing on his mind.
Often times in marriage, we find our comfort zones. The wife does her thing – the husband does his thing – and everything is fine. BUT – what if you feel like your marriage needs a little spice? What if you feel like your love needs to be rekindled? What if you need something to change because he just isn’t acting exactly the way you want him to?
When this happens, we tend to make a long list of things HE needs to fix. In fact, sometimes the list comes easy. “I want him to compliment me more.” “I want him to kiss me and mean it.” “I want him to say I love you sweeter.”
There is a quote – “If you want something to change, YOU have to do something different.” Notice the word – YOU. It isn’t if you want something to change, SOMEONE ELSE has to do something different or your HUSBAND has to do something different. If YOU want change – YOU be the change.
Many times we want our spouse to change, to make our marriage better. But – It isn’t always up to the men to change. Sometimes the change needs to come from us – the women! 

Here are 10 Simple Steps To Become A Better Wife – to help your marriage grow stronger and for you to see that change you are needing.
1. SET YOUR PRIORITIES: And set them correctly. Above all, your husband should be your number one priority. Our lives are super busy as women, but make sure you set some time every single day to spend with your man.
2. BE INTERESTED IN HIS INTERESTS: Make a list of things that you know he LOVES to do and jump in it with him. If he likes to play basketball – go shoot some hoops with him. If he likes to work out – go to the gym or go on a run with him. He will LOVE that you love what he loves.
3. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF: In order to take care of another person {your husband}, you MUST take care of yourself. Set goals for yourself. Take a shower or warm bath. Eat healthy and exercise. Do something that makes you laugh every single day. When we take care of ourselves, we are happier, which in return reflects on how we treat our men.
4. SHOW APPRECIATION: You will be surprised how much of a change can come, by just saying “thank you.” Show him that you appreciate what he does on a daily basis. Show him that you are grateful that he works hard to provide for your family. Let him know that you are proud of him for everything he does.
5. PLAN A ROMANTIC SURPRISE: Get a babysitter and surprise him! Make sure the romance doesn’t die in your relationship. Everyone loves to feel loved. Show him that by taking him on a romantic evening, just the two of you.
6. LET HIM HAVE “GUY TIME” : Sometimes guys just need to be GUYS! They need to play those video games and get their workout on. They need to hang with the buddies and go play sports. If we are too controlling and don’t let them have their “them” time – they will be unhappy. Use that time for yourself too! While he does his guy thing, you go do a girl thing! That is a great time to do something you love too – it is a win win!
7. TELL HIM HIS STRENGTHS: Every guys wants to be complimented. Tell him what he is good at and how great he looks. Boost his little ego some more – that’s what a wife is for!
8. BE HIS TROPHY WIFE: Look good for him! This is another thing we tend to get “comfortable” with – our appearance. I am not saying you have to look flawless and fancy when he walks in the door every day. By all means – sometimes I look a LITTLE homeless by the time he comes home. :) But dress up when you go out. Touch up your make-up and look presentable for him every now and then, when he walks in the door. Make him feel PROUD that YOU are his wife and that he gets to come home to you every day.
9. PRAY FOR HIM: A couple that prays together, stays together. Take a few moments every day and pray for him. You can pray for him quietly in your heart or out loud as a couple so he can hear you. He will love to hear your concern for him and that you truly want to be the best wife for him.
10. BE HAPPY: When he walks in the door tonight, have a smile on your face. Instead of having a laundry list of things for him to do – be happy and positive. Nobody wants to come home to someone who is miserable – be enthusiastic and make him smile EVERY day.

7 Plants You Can Grow At Home For Younger-Looking Skin

Seeking healthy, beautiful skin? Step away from the drugstore and into the nursery—a plant nursery, that is.
Plants you grow in your own garden or on a windowsill can ease many skin issues, from acne to toenail fungus. Growing them yourself not only gives you control over quality and purity, but it also enhances the treatment experience, says herbalist and acupuncturist Antonia Balfour, clinical director of Yin Yang Dermatology in Pacific Palisades, CA
It's very fulfilling to see the process from fresh plant to homemade product to healing the skin," she notes. "You'll have a deeper, soulful connection with the product itself." (Want a healthier diet and better skin? Then check out The Good Gut Diet to start healing from the inside out.)
While Balfour sings the praises of aloe for sunburn, bug bites, and itching, she says the aloe plant is just one of many dermatologic remedies you can find among your indoor or outdoor flora. Here, her top picks for home-harvested skin relief:
Like other plants in the family Lamiaceae—a branch of mint that includes rosemary, sage, and lavender—this aromatic herb is rich in beneficial plant compounds called phenols. In a head-to-head study by researchers at Leeds Metropolitan University in the UK, thyme killed more of the zit-causing bacteria Propionibacterium acnes than benzoyl peroxide, the active ingredient in most acne-fighting creams, did.
Reap the benefits: Thyme enjoys full sun and dry soil. Soak the leaves in apple cider vinegar for 2 weeks, then strain. You can use the resulting liquid as a spot treatment for pesky pimples or as an all-over, daily toner to battle widespread breakouts.

Bay Leaf
This flavorful addition to soup may help speed wound healing by boosting the production of collagen cells and by calming inflammation, found an animal study in the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. The same antibacterial, antifungal powers that healed rodents can help humans, too, by preventing insect bites and cuts from getting infected.
Reap the benefits: Plant bay leaf in a spot with lots of sunlight and keep soil moist. Dry the leaves in a warm oven for 12 hours, and then soak in olive oil for 1 month. Strain and apply directly to the injured area. (Here are 8 plants you can grow to repel mosquitoes naturally.)

German Chamomile
You may have turned to tea made from this herb—among the most popular in the Western world—to fall asleep at night. But the white-and-yellow, daisy-like flower also possesses anti-inflammatory powers that reduce facial redness and ease the irritating skin condition dermatitis. In a Brazilian study published in Phytotherapy Research, the German strain of chamomile (there's also an English variety) sped wound healing even more than treatment with corticosteroids.
Reap the benefits: A hearty, drought-tolerant plant, German chamomile requires little care if left in a sunny location. Once it blooms, dry the flowers in a warm oven for 12 hours, then soak them in oil for as long as a month. Olive oil works well, or, if you're acne-prone, try jojoba oil. Strain, then apply. Depending on your genes and taste buds, cilantro might have a pleasant citrus tang or a disgusting soapy flavor. But regardless of whether you like the taste, you can harness the herb's antiseptic and antifungal properties to banish skin blemishes. In one Scottish study, essential oils from the plant—also known as coriander—effectively reduced the growth of 26 kinds of microorganisms.
Reap the benefits: Grow cilantro in a sunny location with well-drained soil. Blend equal parts fresh cilantro leaves and lemon juice into a paste to use as a spot treatment for whiteheads and blackheads. Leave on 3 to 5 minutes before rinsing clean.
Impatiens Balsamina
Nail fungus is not only super embarrassing, but it's also notoriously difficult to treat. These annual garden flowers, which also go by the names touch-me-not, garden balsam, or rose balsam, offer natural relief thanks to fungicides known as naphthoquinones.
Reap the benefits: Grow rose balsam in moist soil and full sun or partial shade. Soak the flowers in vinegar for 2 weeks, then soak nails daily in the resulting solution. For the fastest possible relief, soak just before bedtime, cover nails with plastic wrap, and seal with tape to allow the solution to continue working overnight. pply.
A recent Australian study showed that extracts from this plant, commonly known as pot marigold, protect skin cells from the wrinkle-producing ravages of free radicals. The researchers credit the antioxidants—called phenolic acids and flavonoid glycosides—in the plant's bright orange and yellow petals.
Reap the benefits: This one grows best in full sun or partial shade and moist soil. Dry the flowers in a warm oven for 12 hours, then soak in rose hip or meadowfoam seed oil for 1 month. Dab the resulting serum under and around the eyes daily to ward off crow's feet.

Are You Making Any of These 6 Shampoo Mistakes?

If you've experienced dull hair, limp strands, or a flaky scalp, it might not be just because of the weather. It turns out all these issues can be caused (and solved) by the way you're shampooing your hair. Celebrity colorist Beth Minardi breaks down the dos and dont's of washing your hair step-by-step when you keep reading.
Misstep 3: You're causing friction. Minardi warns against rubbing strands between your hands as you wash, which can damage your strands. Focus instead on using your fingertips to massage the scalp, where shampoo is most needed.
Misstep 4: You're repeating unnecessarily. When it comes to shampooing, once is really enough. "That myth of lather, rinse, repeat is wrong," she says. "Those were directions that were made in the 1950s, when women washed their hair once a week or less."
Misstep 5: You're not rinsing enough. Take the time to rinse hairout thoroughly and then wring it out postshampoo. "When [some women] come in to get their hair colored, there is still soap curd dried behind their ears because they didn't rinse their hair and it looks like flakes," she said. "It's not that they have a flaky scalp - there is still shampoo in their head."
Misstep 6: You're conditioning in the wrong place. No wash cycle is complete without conditioner. But remember to only apply product on the hair shaft (not the scalp). In addition, work your conditioner through with your fingers instead of a comb. "The comb rips your hair out." Finally, for optimal shine, finish up with a hit of cool water.