We all would simply love to have the gorgeous hair that the model on TV has just shown off, although some of us, like my sister would say, in a fit of jealousy, “Pooh! That is just a wig! Don’t I know it! Just look at her swinging it; natural hair just doesn’t shine this way!”
Little do we realize that she is wrong, and that our own hair can shine as much as the next persons, if we take care of it and maintain it well.
Here are a few tips for you to soon possess that glossy superb mane of hair.
- The cleaner your scalp, the healthier your hair. Always make sure that you massage a little oil into your hair just before you have your bath, and then wash it off with a mild shampoo. Remember to condition your hair after (hair conditioner)every wash, as this will leave your hair soft and easy to groom.
- Mix one egg with 2 teaspoons of olive oil. Apply this mixture to your scalp, and leave it one for at least twenty minutes. Wash off in tepid water; remember, hot water will scramble the eggs, and nobody wants scrambled eggs on their scalp!
- Make a paste of fenugreek seeds soaked overnight, mix with a spoonful of fresh curd, apply on your scalp and leave it for twenty minutes. Wash off thoroughly with mild hair shampoo, and your hair will shine brightly.
- Remember, never brush your hair when it is still wet; this will cause split ends and take away the shine.
- Do not blow dry your hair too often, because it may rob your hair of essential moisture and leave it dry.
- This is a tip handed down from my grandmother: before you go to sleep at night, apply a few drops of any oil of your choice to your scalp, bend down and brush your hair downwards. Tie your hair up loosely when you sleep, and in the morning, wash it off with a mild shampoo. This will definitely give your hair a boost, and make it shine gloriously, if you follow the routine regularly.
- Eat plenty of fresh green vegetables, fish if possible, and drink plenty of water through the day. This will keep your hair healthy(healthy hair), and also lend a glow to your skin.
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