Everything has its pros and cons in life. So, while I am not anti gym, I do think that yoga offers more than what a gym can on every level, not only physically, but mentally and spiritually as well.
People always ask, “what else I do” to “work out” other than yoga. The answer? Nothing! Yoga is everything my body needs to function at it’s absolute best. Here’s why.
1. Yoga Is Great Cardio
All you have to do is try a few sun salutations at a good, steady pace, matching your breath to your movement. You could also really “get moving” by trying
Vinyasa, Ashtanga, or
Power yoga.
2. Yoga Is Non Competitive
There is already enough competition at school, work and life in general. While some people may thrive at trying to be the fastest in spin class or trying to run longer than the other person on the treadmill next to them, in yoga it doesn’t matter what anyone else is doing. There is no comparing or competing because there is only you.
3. Yoga Is Free
Yoga doesn’t have an upfront cost like a gym membership does. All you need to practice is you. You can wear any clothes that allow you to move and you don’t need a yoga mat; a towel or blanket work just fine. If you want some inspiration, there are plenty of great, inexpensive yoga DVDs or free online yoga videos.
4. Yoga Is Kinder To The Body
This does not mean yoga is not intense. Yoga builds heat and works your muscles, but you’re doing only what your body allows you to do. Yoga also helps you stretch as you move through the postures and a good yoga practice builds on itself to prepare the body for the next position.
5. Yoga Reduces Stress
Many yoga classes include
Savasana at the end of practice. This gives you a chance to clear your mind of daily stress. With practice, stressful situations can be dealt with more ease and overall stress levels decrease. The competitive nature of a gym along with the loud music and bright lights is more likely to increase your stress.
6. Yoga Helps You Stay Injury Free
In yoga, you learn to unite your body and mind. This allows you to move with ease and pay attention to how your body is feeling at all times, so you move in a way that feels good for you and not one that puts you in places your body doesn’t want to be. The result? An injury free, strong, healthy, whole you. Yoga slowly stretches muscles and opens the energy channels of the body. The increased flexibility keeps muscles and joints lubricated and healthy. Weights and treadmill can cause strain which leads to soreness and injuries.