Blood Sugar
This test must be taken between 20 -30 weeks. It is absolutely necessary to take this test if one has a family history of Diabetes and High Blood Pressure.
Urine Test
At every visit to the doctor the urine is checked as it is the basic test during pregnancy done for every pregnant woman. Urine is checked to ensure that there is right amount of glucose, white blood corpuscles, proteins, red blood corpuscles and ketones.
It is a very safe method to check visually the baby and its condition. It tells about the position of the placenta, the sex of the baby, if there is more than one baby or not, the size of the baby and other abnormalities if present. The first one is done within 8 weeks and the second one is usually done between 18-24 weeks of pregnancy
One has to drink a lot of water before going through a ultrasound test during pregnancy and then a waves are passed over the abdomen and then images are obtained.
The Alpha Feto Protein Test
If the baby is not being formed properly, it is shown in this test.
The Doppler Test
It is generally done after 30 weeks have passed. It checks the condition of the baby; whether the baby has received enough nutrients needed and also tells about the heartbeat of the baby.
The Colored Doppler Test,
It uses colors to show the blood flow in the baby. This test is generally not recommended to every pregnant woman. Only women who have complications like high blood pressure, diabetes etc. are recommended to take this test during pregnancy.
If both , the mother and the father carry thalassemia traits there are 75% chances that the baby too has it. After finding the result positive, counseling is done and various issues related to it are discussed with the parents.
Vaginal Culture
Fluids that are secreted from the vagina are taken for tests during pregnancy to check for sexually transmitted diseases.
This is known as Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenas test. If one has the traits, she can have side effects to many medications.
Therefore, it is recommended to take all the important tests during pregnancy and also ensure that you get all your vaccinations done in time for a healthy and safe pregnancy.
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