We can break it down to TEN things that every toddler does. And if we as adults remember these 10 ways to live – maybe our lives would be happier, easier and even more fun!

2. TODDLERS FORGIVE QUICKLY: No matter what you do, a toddler will still love you. You can mess up. You can make really bad mistakes. But a toddler doesn’t hold grudges.
3. TODDLERS SOAK IT ALL IN: They love new adventures and they love to see new things. They love to explore and they don’t ever take a minute for granted. Maybe as adults, we can take the time to soak it in. Soak in every minute. Soak in the little things in life that we often times look over. Soak in family time. Soak in time with friends. Soak in the sun and soak in the rain.
4. TODDLERS LEARN SOMETHING NEW EVERYDAY: After they soak it in, they keep it and they learn it. They are little sponges that listen and really put it in their little brains. We are never too old to learn. As adults, we can learn daily by reading, studying and listening. Even as a mom, we can even learn things FROM our toddlers!

6. TODDLERS FOCUS ON WHAT THEY HAVE: Not on what they don’t have. They are happy with what you give them and normally are easy to please. As adults we can focus on our blessings. So often we get tied up into the things we wish we had or things that would be nice to have. Jeff Dixon said, “Sometimes we focus so much on what we don’t have, that we fail to see, appreciate and use what we DO have.”
7. TODDLERS ARE FLEXIBLE: They go with the flow and will stand by you wherever you go. No matter what life brings them, they figure it out and carry on. Sometimes as adults when our plan A doesn’t work out, we have a hard time changing our plans. We can learn from toddlers to keep going and to keep trying – that everything works out.
8. TODDLERS GET EXCITED TO SEE FAMILY AND FRIENDS: Toddlers are often times the first person to greet someone at the door. They get excited when daddy comes home or when they get to see mom after a long day. Their hugs tell you that you were missed. As adults, we can remember what is most important are the people around us.
9. TODDLERS DON’T TAKE LIFE TOO SERIOUSLY: Everything is fun for a toddler – and they can find joy anywhere they go. At the grocery store? They just want to run around. At church? They just want to run around. At home? They just want to run around. They have energy and know how to have a good time. Sometimes as we get older, life gets so serious and all about our check-lists and things to do. As we strive to be more like a toddler, we can have more fun and make better memories!
10. TODDLERS LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY: They love their moms. They love their dads. They love their grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. They love their neighbors and they love their friends. They don’t judge or try to be mean. They don’t hate or talk mean about others. They LOVE. And so can we.
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