Thursday, December 31, 2015
Women's World- Needs of Women: How to Make Your Breasts Beautiful with Exercises
Women's World- Needs of Women: How to Make Your Breasts Beautiful with Exercises: As centuries pass by, the standards of a beautiful bosom have changed for a number of times, today an ideal bust is considered the one with...
Women's World- Needs of Women: The Secrets of Happy Families
Women's World- Needs of Women: The Secrets of Happy Families: When I asked couples [in the Happy Families Survey] about the factors that mattered most in families, I provided several options but also l...
Women's World- Needs of Women: Tips To HaveShiny Beautiful Hair
Women's World- Needs of Women: Tips To HaveShiny Beautiful Hair: We all would simply love to have the gorgeous hair that the model on TV has just shown off, although some of us, like my sister would say, ...
Women's World- Needs of Women: 5 Tips To Winterize Your Natural Black Hair
Women's World- Needs of Women: 5 Tips To Winterize Your Natural Black Hair: Do you live in place where temperature falls significantly during fall? Are you concerned to take care of your black hair in fall? Cold tem...
Women's World- Needs of Women: How to be a good Wife to your Husband
Women's World- Needs of Women: How to be a good Wife to your Husband: Qualities in a good Wife Every married man wishes to have a good wife. Many people advice the new bride to be a good wife to her husband. B...
Women's World- Needs of Women: 20 Surprising Uses for Salt
Women's World- Needs of Women: 20 Surprising Uses for Salt: Mankind has been using salt for many centuries, in the course of which we've amassed many uses (some speculate thousands) for this ama...
Women's World- Needs of Women: How to Control Blood Sugar Levels Without Medicine...
Women's World- Needs of Women: How to Control Blood Sugar Levels Without Medicine...: People may tell that it is very difficult to control the Glucose levels without medication. But it is possible with dietary restrictions an...
Women's World- Needs of Women: Diabetes Health Tips
Women's World- Needs of Women: Diabetes Health Tips: Blood Glucose Testing Most insurances now pay for diabetics to have blood glucose monitoring equipment in the home. Keeping the machines c...
Women's World- Needs of Women: Sleeping Guide
Women's World- Needs of Women: Sleeping Guide: When you look in the mirror and you think you might need an “eye job”, maybe all you need is more sleep. Sleep is a necessary component of ...
Friday, December 4, 2015
for the Coffee Lovers - Interesting Facts About Your Favorite Hot Beverage
Almost every day, at least 2 billion cups of coffee are being consumed in all parts of the world; the United States of America - the world's largest consumer of coffee - is responsible for 400 million cups of coffee consumption. Even though coffee is undeniably one of the most popular hot beverages in the world today, there are actually a lot more things that would surprise you about coffee. Here's a list of interesting facts about coffee that most of us aren't aware:
Goats and Coffee
According to history, the energizing effect of coffee was
first discovered by goats in Ethiopia. The story tells us that an Ethiopian
shepherd was the first to find out about the caffeinating power of a coffee
bean after his goats have eaten it and started dancing and prancing.
Jampacked Nutrients
A lot of people say that coffee drinking is harmful to one's
health, however, did you know that one cup of coffee contains several
nutrients? According to experts, a cup of coffee has enough Niacin, Magnesium,
Potassium, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B5 and Manganese you need in a day.
So don't skip your coffee drink in the morning, and if you
are quite in a hurry, you can always put it on an insulated stainless steel water bottle and bring it
with you.
Anti-Alzheimer's Disease
In a study conducted by scientific experts, regular coffee
drinkers are said to less likely have Alzheimer's disease and even dementia.
But aside from Alzheimer's disease and dementia, people who drink more than 4
cups of coffee in a day are also less likely to suffer from liver cirrhosis.
Think about all the good health effects you can get from drinking coffee in a
regular basis.
England's Coffee History
England was among the first countries in Europe to have
coffee. However in 1675, during the reign of King Charles II, coffee shops
around the country were almost banned. Because of the growing popularity of
coffee houses throughout England, the king feared that his subjects were using
the place to concoct rebellion against his rule. He then decreed a law to ban
coffee shops across the country, but it was later lifted after a public outcry.
These are just some of the most amazing facts about coffee
that not all are aware of. So, the next time you are feeling tired, sleepy, and
exhausted, always remember that a little sip of coffee can keep you energized
the whole day.
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
5 Surprising Health Benefits of Yoga
A recent Norwegian study found that yoga practice results in changes in gene expression that boost immunity at a cellular level. And it doesn’t take long: The researchers believe the changes occurred while participants were still on the mat, and they were significantly greater than a control group who went on a nature hike while listening to soothing music. Yoga also helps to boost immunity by simply increasing overall health, says Mitchel Bleier, a yoga teacher of 18 years and owner of Yogapata in Connecticut. “As you breathe better, move better and circulate better, all the other organs function better.”
Strike a Pose: Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar)
This sequence of eight poses performed in a row can be found in almost any yoga class. It creates great circulation and tone, plus sweat, says Bleier.
This sequence of eight poses performed in a row can be found in almost any yoga class. It creates great circulation and tone, plus sweat, says Bleier.
2. Ease Migraines
Research shows that migraine sufferers have fewer and less painful migraines after three months of yoga practice. The cause of migraines isn’t fully understood, but Bleier says it could be a combination of mental stressors and physical misalignment that create migraines and other issues. Hunching over a computer or cell phone with your shoulders up and head forward causes overlifting of your trapezius and tightening of the neck. This pulls the head forward and creates muscle imbalances that can contribute to headaches and migraines.
Strike a Pose: Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)
Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet hip-distance apart on the floor. With your hands resting on the floor, begin to press down into your legs and draw your hips toward the sky. The key, Bleier says, is to keep your shoulders in line with the base of your neck, moving the back of the shoulders together so the shoulder blades are close. Lift your chest towards your chin and your chin away from your chest, so the upper trapezius muscles flow away from the head.
Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet hip-distance apart on the floor. With your hands resting on the floor, begin to press down into your legs and draw your hips toward the sky. The key, Bleier says, is to keep your shoulders in line with the base of your neck, moving the back of the shoulders together so the shoulder blades are close. Lift your chest towards your chin and your chin away from your chest, so the upper trapezius muscles flow away from the head.
3. Boost Sexual Performance
Studies have found that 12 weeks of yoga can improve sexual desire, arousal, performance, confidence, orgasm and satisfaction for both men and women. How? Physically, yoga increases blood flow into the genital area, which is important for arousal and erections, says Bleier, and strengthens the “moola bandha,” or pelvic floor muscles. Mentally, the breathing and mind control involved with the practice can also improve performance.
Strike a Pose: Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana)
Sit with your feet together and your knees bent and reaching toward the floor. Slowly fold over your feet while trying to bring your knees closer to the ground while moving the groin back and engaging the pelvic floor muscles. “It’s a great hip opener, plus the pelvic floor engagement tones the muscles for orgasm,” says Bleier.
Sit with your feet together and your knees bent and reaching toward the floor. Slowly fold over your feet while trying to bring your knees closer to the ground while moving the groin back and engaging the pelvic floor muscles. “It’s a great hip opener, plus the pelvic floor engagement tones the muscles for orgasm,” says Bleier.
4. Sleep Better
Researchers from Harvard found that eight weeks of daily yoga significantly improved sleep quality for people with insomnia. And another study found that twice-weekly yoga sessions helped cancer survivors sleep better and feel less fatigued. This can be attributed to yoga’s ability to help people deal with stress, says Bleier. “Sleep issues are like anxiety. Your head can’t stop spinning, you don’t know how to relax,” he says. “Breathing and mental exercises allow the mind to slow down, so you’re going to start to see yourself sleep better.”
Strike a Pose: Corpse Pose (Savasana) with Diaphragmatic Breathing
Savasana is the final pose in a yoga class and is meant to restore the body. Lay on your back with your legs slightly apart and your arms extended at your side and your hands on your belly. Inhale and exhale through your nose, follow the breath and feel the belly rise and fall under your hands. The breath, muscles, and mind should be completely relaxed.
Savasana is the final pose in a yoga class and is meant to restore the body. Lay on your back with your legs slightly apart and your arms extended at your side and your hands on your belly. Inhale and exhale through your nose, follow the breath and feel the belly rise and fall under your hands. The breath, muscles, and mind should be completely relaxed.
5. Fight Food Cravings
Researchers from the University of Washington found that regular yoga practice is associated with mindful eating, an awareness of physical and emotional sensations associated with eating. By causing breath awareness, regular yoga practice strengthens the mind-body connection, Bleier says. The awareness can help you tune in to emotions involved with certain cravings, and yoga breathing exercises can help you slow down and make better choices when cravings strike.
Strike a Pose: Meditation
Sit or lay in any comfortable position and bring attention to the natural breath moving in and out through your nose. Next, bring attention to the triangular area around the tip of your nose and upper lip, paying attention to your breath hitting this space as you exhale, the temperature of your breath, and which nostril you’re breathing through. Try this for two minutes, working up to five or more. “The key is to try and be still and focus just on the breath,” Bleier says. “No moving, no reacting, just stay present.”
Sit or lay in any comfortable position and bring attention to the natural breath moving in and out through your nose. Next, bring attention to the triangular area around the tip of your nose and upper lip, paying attention to your breath hitting this space as you exhale, the temperature of your breath, and which nostril you’re breathing through. Try this for two minutes, working up to five or more. “The key is to try and be still and focus just on the breath,” Bleier says. “No moving, no reacting, just stay present.”
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Best Homemade Face Masks For Oily Skin
Oily skin requires utmost attention. Oily and greasy skin easily catch dirt and scums from its surroundings. Moreover it’s prone to acne breakout. Oily skin tends to release extra natural oil, so needs extra care to maintain it clean, flawless and even-toned.
Banana Face Mask For Oily Skin: This soothing face mask works best on oily skin. Take 1 fully ripe banana, 1 tablespoon honey and an orange or a lemon. You can keep ripe bananas in a freezer that you can use later. But thaw it before using. Mash up the banana and add in the honey. Alternatively, you can blend them in a blender. Mix in a few drops of juice from an orange or a lemon. Apply the mask on your face and leave it for about 15 minutes before rinsing with a cool absorbent soft washcloth or a steaming warm washcloth – as per your choice. Follow with your regular moisturizer, if needed.
3. Fuller’s Earth / Multani Mitti – Best Face Mask For Oily skin: Fuller’s earth oily skin face mask is very good in soaking oil and dirt from the oily skin surface. Fuller’s earth is an ancient time natural remedy to treat acne and pimples. It acts as a natural cleanser and very effective in acne breakout. You can remove extra shine, oiliness, greasiness with the help of clay masks, as they have oil reducing properties.
he excess oil production on your face, forehead, nose and chin can be due to wide open skin pores. Oily skin can lead to many skin problems, such as acne breakout, spots, blackheads, greasy lines on your face. In this article are given DIY natural homemade face masks to narrow your skin pores and stabilize production of natural oil, the so called sebum.
Natural Homemade Best Facemasks For Oily Skin
Read here best homemade face masks for oily skin natural recipes, and who knows you may be able to find here a best face mask recipe for your oily skin problems!! .

2. Bentonite Clay Oily Skin Homemade Face Mask: Bentonite, the so called Green Clay, Face Mask is a wonderful facial mask for oily and greasy skin. While talking of clay masks, there is no better clay than the green clay. Take 1 tablespoon of green clay, 1 teaspoon of apricot kernel oil and 3 drops of palmarosa essential oil. You can get these ingredients from a natural food or health store. Mix these ingredients together. Mix in a few drops of warm water. If needed add in a little bit more of warm water to make a consistent, spreadable paste. Apply this facial mask and let it dry for say 10 minutes or so. Rinse it off with a warm washcloth.

This oil removing face mask can be made easily at home with fuller’s earth (multani mitti) as a basic ingredient. Soak 2 tablespoons of fuller’s earth in warm water for half an hour. Mix in 1 tablespoon of rose water and a few drops of lemon juice. If you feel mixture is still thick then try adding some warm water to make it spreadable. You can add a tablespoon of milk to prevent over dryness.
This is best face mask to clean up your face, get rid of oil, impurities and dead skin cells from your skin. You can apply this mask two or three times a week.
5 Ways Mentally Strong People Overcome Rejection

Whether you were excluded from a social engagement, or you were passed up for a promotion, rejection hurts. The way you choose to respond to rejection, however, could determine the entire course of your future.
Here are five ways mentally strong people overcome rejection:
1. They Acknowledge Their Emotions
Rather than suppress, ignore, or deny the pain, mentally strong people acknowledge their emotions. They admit when they're embarrassed, sad, disappointed, or discouraged. They have confidence in their ability to deal with uncomfortable emotions head-on, which is essential to coping with their discomfort in a healthy manner.
Whether you've been stood up by a date or turned down for a promotion, rejection stings. Trying to minimize the pain by convincing yourself it was "no big deal" will only prolong your pain. The best way to deal with uncomfortable emotions is to face them head-on.
2. They View Rejection as Evidence They're Pushing the Limits
Mentally strong people know that rejection serves as proof that they're living life to the fullest. They expect to be rejected sometimes, and they're not afraid to go for it, even when they suspect it may be a long shot.

3. They Treat Themselves With Compassion
Rather than think, "You're so stupid for thinking you could do that," mentally strong people treat themselves with compassion. They respond to negative self-talk with a kinder, more affirming message.
Whether you got dumped by your long-term love or blindsided by a recent firing, beating yourself up will only keep you down. Speak to yourself like a trusted friend. Drown out your harsh inner critic by repeating helpful mantras that will keep you mentally strong.
4. They Refuse to Let Rejection Define Them
Mentally strong people don't make sweeping generalizations when they're rejected. If one company turns them down for a job, they don't declare themselves incompetent. Or, if they get rejected by a single love interest, they don't conclude they're unlovable. They keep rejection in proper perspective.
One person's opinion, or one single incident, should never define who you are. Don't let your self-worth depend upon other people's opinions of you. Just because someone else thinks something about you, doesn't mean it's true.
5. They Learn From Rejection

Whether you learn about areas in your life that need improvement, or you simply recognize that being turned down isn't awful as you imagined, rejection can be a good teacher. Use rejection as an opportunity to move forward with more wisdom
fall in love,
happy life,
Reponding to Anger in Children
Several weeks ago, I had to pick up my elementary school-aged daughter early from school for her annual flu shot. I made the appointment as late in the day as I could, to accommodate my work schedule and to minimize the time she would miss from class. As most parents can attest, there was a lot of shuffling and hurrying involved, but I multi-tasked, I juggled, and I was feeling good about having “fit it all in.”
Until I arrived at school.
The school staff was nice enough, welcoming me as I signed my daughter out and speculating on what a treat it would be for her to have a bit of an early dismissal from school. I agreed; a visit to the pediatrician’s office was never the most fun but some extra one-on-one time with my girl would be a treat nonetheless.
Until she saw me in the hall.
Rather than running to me for a hug or even smiling and saying “Hi,” she had what I can only describe as a meltdown. One minute, she was walking toward me, the next, she was dragging her body forward, propelled only by tears and heartfelt accusations: “You always make me miss everything fun! I don’t want to go! I’m not going! This always happens. You always make me leave! I never get to stay for the fun things.”
Wo. I did not see that coming.
I felt my heartbeat quicken instantly. I knew my face was getting red. Defensive thoughts were taking over my brain (“Do you know how hard I worked to rearrange my entire day for you! What do you mean I ‘always” make you miss the fun stuff? I bend over backward to do fun things for you, young lady. How dare you yell at me after all I do for you!”) I was extremely aware that the eyes of all of the school staff who had just greeted me so warmly were now completing fixed on me and my pending response to my daughter. I knew in that moment that I had two choices:
1. I could go old school and tell my daughter to lower her voice right away and show me some respect, or else…
This might even have been a reasonable parental response. I don’t think anyone in the school would have thought me unjustified in being stern with my daughter at that point or in setting a limit on her disrespect. But I also knew that for my daughter, a rebuke in the moment would have created a new stressful event, on top of the one she was already obviously experiencing, and would have triggered all sorts of additional intense feelings in her young, emotionally-hijacked brain. Meeting her pain with harshness would have made things worse—of that I was sure.
2. My second choice was to turn down my daughter’s invitation to fight.

When kids become overwhelmed by stress, their limbic system (the emotional part of their brain) is activated and their ability to access the rational thoughts of their pre-frontal cortex (the logical part of their brain) is greatly hindered. In the midst of this kind of “brain freeze,” adults are most helpful to young people when they recognize the biological forces at work and make conscious efforts to “drain off(link is external)” the child’s intense emotions through purposeful, planned, non-reactive responses.
So what did I do as my daughter walked down her school hallway, angrily accusing me of taking away all of her fun?
First, I took a deep breath. I am human and needed to take a moment to consciously stop my own emotional brain from taking over. My personal feelings acknowledged and owned, I then got down on my daughter’s level and hugged her. I spoke these six words softly to her: “You are really upset right now.” In little more than an instant, she pulled away from the hug, looked me in the eye, let out one long sob, then softened into my arms, pulling me into a tight embrace. After about 15 seconds, she was completely quiet, but still hugging me tightly.
Coinciding with the onset of her stillness, the school nurse walked over to us both. She had been standing observing the whole interaction and, seeing the pause in the action, approached us with a well-intentioned, but premature response, aimed at the logical part of my daughter’s brain: “Your mom is trying to keep you healthy. What would happen if you didn’t get a flu shot?” she asked.
My daughter’ sobs started up again. Big time. The nurse smiled at me and mouthed the word, “Sorry.” I smiled at her as she backed away. She was trying to do the right thing and I knew it. My daughter’s emotional brain just wasn’t calm enough yet to process it. So, in the middle of the administrative wing of my daughter’s elementary school with a growing audience watching from afar, I gave her more time. I hugged her. I wiped her tears. I validated her words instead of giving in to my defensive leanings: “You feel like I am picking you up too early and you are missing fun time with your friends in class.”
These calming responses worked. My daughter softened in my arms again and within two minutes, she was ready to leave school and head to her doctor’s office. She got her flu shot that afternoon—and didn’t even cry!

Does that mean I think adults should tolerate disrespect by young people? Should emotional and behavioral outbursts be encouraged for the sake of personal growth? No, of course not. Please do not misunderstand me. I am a social worker, for goodness sake; my poor kids endure “learning experiences” all of the time. Indeed, I made it a point to talk to my daughter about the disrespect she showed me in the hallway at her school, but I did it later in the day when she was in control of her emotional brain and more receptive to learning.
Point of fact: by waiting until she had thoroughly de-escalated from the emotional intensity of those dismissal moments at school, I didn’t even have to do much of the talking. About an hour after leaving school, my daughter came to me and initiated a conversation about what had happened, saying, “Mom, I’m sorry I yelled at you in school. Mrs. S was letting us watch a movie and I just got so upset about having to miss it that I couldn’t even see straight.”
See straight? Think straight? Either way, after the emotions had settled, she was clearly getting the picture. Bottom line: some moments kids can use their logical brains and other moments they can’t—especially during periods of stress. Having an awareness of this is important because it helps adults make better choices when it comes to responding to the emotionally-charged outbursts of kids—choices that build kids' critical skills for self-regulation
and emotion management in their developing young brains.
How to Stop Smoking
Step 1: Motivating yourself to quit.
Step 2: Preparing yourself to quit.
Step 3: Quitting.
Step 4: Coping with cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
Step 5: Coping with failure.
Let's do it.
Step 1. Motivating yourself to quit
Make a list of the pros and cons of smoking. Here is an example of such a list: yours might be slightly different.
- Makes it easier to socialize with other smokers
- Makes me feel more confident in social situations
- Provides me with momentary gratification
- Prevents cravings and withdrawal symptoms
- Constant nagging from my partner and friends
- Bad breath putting my partner off
- Constantly having to go outside, even in the cold and rain
- The rancid smell on my house and on my clothes
- The effects on my health: sore throat, cough, shortness of breath, high blood pressure, stomach ulcers
- The effects on my appearance: looking 10 years older, yellow teeth, yellow fingernails, yellow skin- Intense cravings and withdrawal symptoms if I don't light up
- Always needing a fix and being unable to simply relax and enjoy life
- Feelings of inadequacy for not giving up
- Fear and anxiety about what I am doing to myself and how it will all end
- Guilt for the passive smoking endured by those around me
- The exorbitant cost of it all, especially the fact that I can never afford a holiday
Step 2. Preparing yourself to quit
Keep your list on your person and read it several times a day to motivate yourself to quit. Choose a date on which you want to quit and stick to it. Between now and that date, keep a log of your smoking habits: record the times at which you ‘light up’, where you then were, what you were doing, and how you were feeling. Use this log to gain a better understanding of your smoking habits.
Step 3. Quitting

Step 4. Coping with cravings and withdrawal symptoms
Nicotine replacement can help to relieve these cravings and withdrawal symptoms, so do ask a physician to prescribe some for you. Cravings rarely last for more than a couple of minutes at a time and diversion techniques such as chewing gum, brushing your teeth, or playing a video game may take your mind off them until they pass. If these diversion techniques fail, call a friend or relative who knows what you are going through and is willing to give you some support. Alternatively, take another look at your list of pros and cons and use it to keep yourself motivated. Cravings are often triggered by certain places, activities, and emotions that you have come to associate with smoking. Use the log of your smoking habits to identify these places, activities, and emotions, and try to devise alternative coping strategies.
Step 5. Coping with failure
Remember that cravings and withdrawal symptoms do not last forever, and that in a matter of only days quitting will have become a much easier task! Do not be too harsh on yourself if you give in to temptation: put it behind you and keep on trying your best.
7 Ways to a Healthy and Happy Relationship
Here's just a little primer of 7 signs of a healthy relationship.
1. Mutual Respect
If you don't have this - well, it's going to be a tough road. This doesn't mean you agree with everything your partner says or does. It does mean that you have admiration for each other, and steady undercurrent of love and trust throughout your relationship. You also have each other's back.
John Gottman, a pioneer in studying couples and marriage, could tell within minutes whether a couple was in it for the long haul or if they weren't going to make it - with startling accuracy. How could he tell? If there were any signs of contempt in the couple's interaction with each other, the relationship usually didn't make it.
Abuse, whether it is physical, verbal, or emotional, defies mutual respect in every way, shape and form. You have to have mutual respect to have a healthy relationship.
2. Arguing, Not Fighting
I've never seen a healthy couple that doesn't argue. They never fight, however - they argue. If a couple comes into my office and tells me they've never argued, something isn't quite right.
You can argue without fighting. Arguing is non-combative - you and your partner state your points of view without name-calling or raising your voice. Sometimes you agree to disagree - and that's okay. Figure out what your "non-negotiables" are - the things that you will not budge on. Now rethink that list. I like the saying "You can either be right, or married." Hopefully you and your partner's values (see #6 below) match up pretty well - that makes things much easier!
I'll do another post on how to have a healthy argument.
3. Agreement on Sex
You're both okay with how often you have sex, how you have sex, where you have sex...and there's mutual participation. Sex is not withheld as a punishment. And if you or your partner are not comfortable with an aspect of your sex life, you can talk about it openly, without criticism.
You also find time to have sex. I don't care how busy or tired the two of you are - there isalways time for sex.
4. Agreement on Parenting
a) Authoritarian: The rules are the rules are the rules. No exceptions.
b) Authoritative: This is what I refer to as a "Benevolent Dictatorship". There are rules, and kids can give their input, but the parents have the final say.
c) Lenient or "Lassiez-faire": There are minimal rules.
If the two of you don't agree on a parenting style, you need to talk. Also, if you differ on whether your children should be spanked or not - you need to talk.
You may have each grown up with different parenting styles - and we each tend to parent the same way we were parented. If you don't have kids yet but are thinking about it, you must, must, must have this conversation with your partner.
People can change their personality styles. A lot of that depends on # 6 (below).
5. Equality with Money
Even if one of you makes more money than the other, you both have an equal say about where your money goes. There are no "hidden accounts", and you decide together before you make large purchases.
If you are the one in charge of the bill paying, you pay the bills on time. Period. If you can't pay the bills on time, turn over that job to your partner or hire someone to do it for you.
You decide on separate accounts if sharing a joint account is getting too complicated or frustrating. Does that hurt the intimacy of a relationship? No, it actually helps your intimacy. You are no longer fighting about money.
6. Common Goals and Values
Couples with very different interests can have healthy relationships - what counts is that they share common goals and values. Couples of different religions (or non-religion) and cultural backgrounds can have healthy relationships - what makes a healthy relationship is sharing core beliefs. You may both share the belief that giving back to your community is important. You may both share the belief that extended family members are welcome to live with you at any time. Values and beliefs differ for everyone.

7. Fun
"Sexiness wears thin after a while and beauty fades, but to be married to a man who makes you laugh every day, ah, now that's a real treat." - Joanne Woodward
Enough said. Make time to have fun. Life gets too serious without receiving regular doses of humor.
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Turmeric Smoothie Recipe For Overall Health

Turmeric is a great source of curumin that is a anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-tumour, antibacterial, and antiviral agent. It also helps flush out dietary carcinogens, boost liver detox and treat depression.
Turmeric Smoothie Recipe:
-1 cup hemp or coconut milk
-1/2 cup frozen pineapple or mango chunks
-1 fresh banana
-1 tablespoon coconut oil
-1/2 teaspoon turmeric (can be increased to 1 tsp)
-1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
-1/2 teaspoon ginger
-1 teaspoon chia seeds
-1 teaspoon maca (optional)
Process these ingredients in a blender until smooth and enjoy the multiple benefits of turmeric.
Superfood Amala For Overall Women Health & Wellbeing
According to Ayurveda, a woman’s health is directly related to her menstrual cycles. Regular menstrual cycle is not just meant for conception and pregnancy.
This process aids in detoxification of our bodily toxins and is highly regarded in Ayurveda for every woman to feel grounded, feminine, and most importantly, to get connected with her inner self during this time. Unfortunately for most women and especially in the western world, menstruation is considered to be a hindrance in day-to-day activities.
Amla also know as Amalia in Sanskrit is a popular fruit widely available in India and extensively used in Ayurveda for thousands and thousands of years. The literal translation of Amla is ‘sour’ but the deeper meaning and translation of Amalaki in Sanskrit is ‘immortality’! because of it’s powerful healing attributes.
How I Use Amla?
I personally use Amalaki powder on a daily basis during the summer season to pacify my pitta dosha and also use it regularly during my monthly cycles.
During our monthly cycle, it’s very important according to Ayurveda to keep the Apana Vata (the downward flow) in balance. This sub-dosha pretty much controls the menstrual flow and is located in the lower abdomen.
Amla or Amalaki is an excellent Ayurvedic herb to balance this Apana Vata which results in healthy and regular menstrual cycle. It strengthens the uterus and improves the reproductive health.
Another added bonus of including Amla in our daily diet is – it contains all the five of the six rasas (tastes) of Ayurveda except the salty taste. This aids in optimal digestion and metabolism resulting in Ojas! (balanced life energy). Optimal digestion results in optimal ojas which in turn builds strong immunity and strength.

Why Should Women Consume Amla?
-Promotes strength and immunity against diseases
-One of the highest sources of Vitamin C and other important minerals (enhances glow and luster)
-Regulates Urinary Tract by being a natural diuretic
-Boosts cellular re-generation
-Alleviates feeling of sadness
-Promotes regular bowel movement
-Eases constipation
-Tridoshic – balances body and mind
-Encourages weight loss and reduces bloating (by optimal digestion and elimination)
-Deeply detoxifies the tissues in the body
There are many ways to having this Amla powder in your daily diet. You can simply mix it with warm/hot water and drink it. You can also try one of my most popular smoothie using Amla, it’s called Blissful Nari Smoothie.
I will end my post with Sage Charaka’s saying “Amalaki is the best among rejuvenative herbs”.
How to Easily Manage Your Weight
So many of us are on a diet roller-coaster and always want to lose some extra pounds. Just saying the word ‘diet’ conjures feelings of hunger, but what if you knew of a way to enjoy eating again, without feeling deprived or starving yourself, while also satisfying your cravings with healthier substitutes? These are my suggestions and guess what, you don’t have to count calories or cut back on your portions of food!
Minimize Flour Products To Manage Your Weight
I love any kind of bread, but am always conscious of how much I consume, and feel better by doing so. Think of a piece of bread that gets wet. And now imagine that bread trying to work through your intestines. Nothing gums up our system like flours do, and they are a huge contributor for weight gain. Please know that whole grains like brown and basmati rice, oat groats, corn, millet, quinoa, buckwheat and barley are not flour products and offer many nutrients as well as fiber for daily bowel regularity.
Choose these healthier options: Mary’s Gone Crackers, tortilla chips & corn tortillas made from stone ground corn (instead of corn flour), sourdough breads without added yeast and sugar, Manna breads (cakelike in texture and can be purchased online or in the frozen section of health food stores), sprouted breads, which are easier to digest, and Ezekiel wraps and breads.
Replace Sugar With Brown Rice Syrup
As a former sugar addict, I can honestly say that brown rice syrup made it easy for me to stop eating sugar. I never felt deprived!!
The beauty of a grain sweetener is that it is a complex, not simple sugar, so it’s released into the blood slowly, providing fuel for the body, instead of the rush and crash we get from sugar.
The average American consumes well over 20 teaspoons of added sugar on a daily basis, which adds up to an average of 142 pounds of sugar, per year! Begin reading labels for packaged foods, and you’ll see that practically everything has sugar included.
One regular bottle of soda contains 16 packets of sugar! There is a reason most of us are completely addicted, and while sugar is a natural plant, it’s highly processed, refined and addictive. Our body just wasn’t meant to consume massive amounts of sugar.
Since brown rice syrup is a liquid, you need to adjust your recipes a bit, and substitute ½ cup of syrup for every 1 cup of sugar. I also recommend 100% pure maple syrup, local, raw honey and dark chocolate. Practice having your dessert at night, after dinner, and you won’t have cravings all day long.

Eat Real Food
I ate nothing but junk during my childhood and early adult years, and know how convenient and addictive they are. I also know how everything in my body changed without them. Did you know that these fake foods have been created in a lab, by chemists who master the tastes that human taste buds have proven to overeat and crave? In my opinion these products should not be offered as food, but rather, food-like products.
Again, begin reading labels, and avoid anything that has ingredients you don’t recognize, as your body won’t recognize them either! Always avoid trans fats, (they are basically like plastic), table salt (switch to Celtic or Himalayan sea salt), and chemical preservatives that are used to sustain a really long shelf life. If we want to address our nation’s health and weight crisis, these artificial foods are what we should hold accountable.
Eat Seasonal Fruits and Veggies
Add seasonal fruits and lot’s of veggies into your diet each day. Especially emphasize leafy greens, which are a powerhouse of nutrients: broccoli, green beans, napa cabbage, dandelion greens, scallions, leeks, parsley, bok choy, watercress, kale, collard, mustard and turnip greens.
Water And Oil Help As Well
Keeping our body well hydrated is crucial for our health, and helps us eliminate toxins as well. Switch to olive oil, sesame oil and coconut oil for daily consumption. They are the healthiest and most easily digested fats for our body. And yes, our body needs healthy fat!
Dairy Products
Consume whole dairy products, raw cheeses and butter, animals that have eaten the foods they were meant to eat, and avoid low-fat foods. These are easier to digest, and in their natural form. Low-fat foods have been processed and are not healthy or beneficial for weight loss.
- Find physical activities that you really like doing. Don’t do difficult workouts, unless you really like them that way. Walk, do gentle yoga stretches, with deep breathing. Just move your body every day.
- Work to make you happy. Address whatever needs your attention. Do you need to mend or put boundaries on a relationship? Is your career fulfilling? Are you communicating your feelings? Sometimes cravings are just our body’s way of satisfying a deeper desire we have.
I guide my clients to do their best 80% of the time, while splurging and living the life that makes them happy, 20%. Patience with your process is so important. Gaining weight didn’t happen overnight, and losing weight will not either. Take your time, and make changes that will last. Eat things that you love and enjoy your food! Try new recipes and make substitutions with healthier oils, salt and ingredients.
When we supply nourishment to our body, we eventually become aware of the meals that make us feel good, and the ones that don’t. And when you have a splurge meal or day, don’t surrender and beat yourself up~ just begin again the next day. Nothing lost!!!
Changing our patterns with food is difficult enough, and feeling our best and being healthy, is really the ultimate goal.

ab shaping,
doing yoga,
eat healthily,
fresh food,
Gym advice,
healthy fat,
low-fat food,
Manage your weight,
weight loss,
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