Rebecca felt even in the first three weeks she has lost 16 kg without doing anything. “I can not too many sports because my twin children. It is not possible to return to the training schedule as before,” she added. However, she realized that she can not hope to return to the form of the body first. “There is still excess weight that must be removed.”
Breastfeeding is to be a good way to accelerate the decrease in body weight. It is evident that provide breastfeeding issue certain hormones in the body for the first 12 months after the birth to help the uterus return to form before the pregnancy. When breastfeeding, everything we eat will be processed into breast milk and the baby will take food from you.
In addition to breastfeeding, there is no other way to reduce body weight except diet and sports. However, we must ensure that this is done both in a manner that is healthy and safe. You can begin exercise 40 days after birth. Of course, select the sports that are not too heavy. These are any tips of weight loss after pregnancy:

1. Lay down in position with your back flat and the second knee buckling. Keep the foot flat on the floor (or bed) and knee meetings.
2. Slowly, move the knee bend to the right thigh right up to touch the outside floor. Make sure the top of the body (stomach and chest) remains straight upwards.
3. Then turn back to the top of the knee and to the left so that the outside of the left thigh touches the floor.
4. Repeat this movement several times. This movement of relax will repair joints and stiff joints that will ease back pain after childbirth.
After your condition is quite strong, you can walk for 30 minutes every day. After the better, do jogging effective as running to burn calories. Treadmill you can use to find out how many calories are burned. Another way is to burn the calories by handle your baby alone and reduce the help of family or servant.
What about diet?
You have often heard that healthy eating patterns, including
1. Stop consumes food and drinks that too sweet. Reduce sugar from which you enjoy a drink, stop drink-drink cans, and avoid cake, brownies, chocolate, and so forth. Consumption more white water.
2. Reduce carbohydrates because carbohydrates can turn into sugar in the body and keep your weight on during pregnancy. If you’d like better (because you are still producing breast milk), find the recipe books that offer food combining eating pattern that is also useful to streamline.
3. Add fiber to food in the menu, such as fruits and vegetables. Do not forget to keep drinking milk, but select the product or even low fat milk and yogurt is fat free.
4. Reduce the portion you eat. How many portions are enough for us? Take meat, fish, or chicken, as many as 85 gr, 28 gr cheese, and 1 tsp butter.
So that hard work is successful, there are three things we need to remember: patience, motivation, and trust that you will come back healthy and slim.
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