Thursday, December 31, 2015

Women's World- Needs of Women: How to Make Your Breasts Beautiful with Exercises

Women's World- Needs of Women: How to Make Your Breasts Beautiful with Exercises: As centuries pass by, the standards of a beautiful bosom have changed for a number of times, today an ideal bust is considered the one with...

Women's World- Needs of Women: The Secrets of Happy Families

Women's World- Needs of Women: The Secrets of Happy Families: When I asked couples [in the Happy Families Survey] about the factors that mattered most in families, I provided several options but also l...

Women's World- Needs of Women: Tips To HaveShiny Beautiful Hair

Women's World- Needs of Women: Tips To HaveShiny Beautiful Hair: We all would simply love to have the gorgeous hair that the model on TV has just shown off, although some of us, like my sister would say, ...

Women's World- Needs of Women: 5 Tips To Winterize Your Natural Black Hair

Women's World- Needs of Women: 5 Tips To Winterize Your Natural Black Hair: Do you live in place where temperature falls significantly during fall? Are you concerned to take care of your black hair in fall? Cold tem...

Women's World- Needs of Women: How to be a good Wife to your Husband

Women's World- Needs of Women: How to be a good Wife to your Husband: Qualities in a good Wife Every married man wishes to have a good wife. Many people advice the new bride to be a good wife to her husband. B...

Women's World- Needs of Women: 20 Surprising Uses for Salt

Women's World- Needs of Women: 20 Surprising Uses for Salt: Mankind has been using salt for many centuries, in the course of which we've amassed many uses (some speculate thousands) for this ama...

Women's World- Needs of Women: How to Control Blood Sugar Levels Without Medicine...

Women's World- Needs of Women: How to Control Blood Sugar Levels Without Medicine...: People may tell that it is very difficult to control the Glucose levels without medication. But it is possible with dietary restrictions an...

Women's World- Needs of Women: Diabetes Health Tips

Women's World- Needs of Women: Diabetes Health Tips: Blood Glucose Testing Most insurances now pay for diabetics to have blood glucose monitoring equipment in the home. Keeping the machines c...

Women's World- Needs of Women: Sleeping Guide

Women's World- Needs of Women: Sleeping Guide: When you look in the mirror and you think you might need an “eye job”, maybe all you need is more sleep. Sleep is a necessary component of ...

Friday, December 4, 2015

for the Coffee Lovers - Interesting Facts About Your Favorite Hot Beverage

Almost every day, at least 2 billion cups of coffee are being consumed in all parts of the world; the United States of America - the world's largest consumer of coffee - is responsible for 400 million cups of coffee consumption. Even though coffee is undeniably one of the most popular hot beverages in the world today, there are actually a lot more things that would surprise you about coffee. Here's a list of interesting facts about coffee that most of us aren't aware:
Goats and Coffee
According to history, the energizing effect of coffee was first discovered by goats in Ethiopia. The story tells us that an Ethiopian shepherd was the first to find out about the caffeinating power of a coffee bean after his goats have eaten it and started dancing and prancing.
Jampacked Nutrients
A lot of people say that coffee drinking is harmful to one's health, however, did you know that one cup of coffee contains several nutrients? According to experts, a cup of coffee has enough Niacin, Magnesium, Potassium, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B5 and Manganese you need in a day.
So don't skip your coffee drink in the morning, and if you are quite in a hurry, you can always put it on an insulated stainless steel water bottle and bring it with you.
Anti-Alzheimer's Disease
In a study conducted by scientific experts, regular coffee drinkers are said to less likely have Alzheimer's disease and even dementia. But aside from Alzheimer's disease and dementia, people who drink more than 4 cups of coffee in a day are also less likely to suffer from liver cirrhosis. Think about all the good health effects you can get from drinking coffee in a regular basis.
England's Coffee History
England was among the first countries in Europe to have coffee. However in 1675, during the reign of King Charles II, coffee shops around the country were almost banned. Because of the growing popularity of coffee houses throughout England, the king feared that his subjects were using the place to concoct rebellion against his rule. He then decreed a law to ban coffee shops across the country, but it was later lifted after a public outcry.
These are just some of the most amazing facts about coffee that not all are aware of. So, the next time you are feeling tired, sleepy, and exhausted, always remember that a little sip of coffee can keep you energized the whole day.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

5 Surprising Health Benefits of Yoga

Sun Salutation
A recent Norwegian study found that yoga practice results in changes in gene expression that boost immunity at a cellular level. And it doesn’t take long: The researchers believe the changes occurred while participants were still on the mat, and they were significantly greater than a control group who went on a nature hike while listening to soothing music. Yoga also helps to boost immunity by simply increasing overall health, says Mitchel Bleier, a yoga teacher of 18 years and owner of Yogapata in Connecticut. “As you breathe better, move better and circulate better, all the other organs function better.”
Strike a Pose: Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar)
This sequence of eight poses performed in a row can be found in almost any yoga class. It creates great circulation and tone, plus sweat, says Bleier. 

2. Ease Migraines

Bridge Pose
Research shows that migraine sufferers have fewer and less painful migraines after three months of yoga practice. The cause of migraines isn’t fully understood, but Bleier says it could be a combination of mental stressors and physical misalignment that create migraines and other issues. Hunching over a computer or cell phone with your shoulders up and head forward causes overlifting of your trapezius and tightening of the neck. This pulls the head forward and creates muscle imbalances that can contribute to headaches and migraines.
Strike a Pose: Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)
Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet hip-distance apart on the floor. With your hands resting on the floor, begin to press down into your legs and draw your hips toward the sky. The key, Bleier says, is to keep your shoulders in line with the base of your neck, moving the back of the shoulders together so the shoulder blades are close. Lift your chest towards your chin and your chin away from your chest, so the upper trapezius muscles flow away from the head.

3. Boost Sexual Performance

Bound Angle Pose
Studies have found that 12 weeks of yoga can improve sexual desire, arousal, performance, confidence, orgasm and satisfaction for both men and women. How? Physically, yoga increases blood flow into the genital area, which is important for arousal and erections, says Bleier, and strengthens the “moola bandha,” or pelvic floor muscles. Mentally, the breathing and mind control involved with the practice can also improve performance.
Strike a Pose: Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana)
Sit with your feet together and your knees bent and reaching toward the floor. Slowly fold over your feet while trying to bring your knees closer to the ground while moving the groin back and engaging the pelvic floor muscles. “It’s a great hip opener, plus the pelvic floor engagement tones the muscles for orgasm,” says Bleier.

4. Sleep Better

Savasana Corpse Pose

Researchers from Harvard found that eight weeks of daily yoga significantly improved sleep quality for people with insomnia. And another study found that twice-weekly yoga sessions helped cancer survivors sleep better and feel less fatigued. This can be attributed to yoga’s ability to help people deal with stress, says Bleier. “Sleep issues are like anxiety. Your head can’t stop spinning, you don’t know how to relax,” he says. “Breathing and mental exercises allow the mind to slow down, so you’re going to start to see yourself sleep better.”
Strike a Pose: Corpse Pose (Savasana) with Diaphragmatic Breathing
Savasana is the final pose in a yoga class and is meant to restore the body. Lay on your back with your legs slightly apart and your arms extended at your side and your hands on your belly. Inhale and exhale through your nose, follow the breath and feel the belly rise and fall under your hands. The breath, muscles, and mind should be completely relaxed.

5. Fight Food Cravings


Researchers from the University of Washington found that regular yoga practice is associated with mindful eating, an awareness of physical and emotional sensations associated with eating. By causing breath awareness, regular yoga practice strengthens the mind-body connection, Bleier says. The awareness can help you tune in to emotions involved with certain cravings, and yoga breathing exercises can help you slow down and make better choices when cravings strike.
Strike a Pose: Meditation
Sit or lay in any comfortable position and bring attention to the natural breath moving in and out through your nose. Next, bring attention to the triangular area around the tip of your nose and upper lip, paying attention to your breath hitting this space as you exhale, the temperature of your breath, and which nostril you’re breathing through. Try this for two minutes, working up to five or more. “The key is to try and be still and focus just on the breath,” Bleier says. “No moving, no reacting, just stay present.”